Chapter 43: Unravel the madness

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Faye's POV: 

A world tour? 

"That's amazing guys!" I said a fake smile plastered on my face. But once again, I am about the worst liar you have ever seen. 

Niall eyed me and nodded towards his room. 

Nodding I followed him and he closed the door. 

I sat down on the bed looking at my hands. 

"So what does this mean?" I started. "I mean, how long are you going to be gone?" 

Niall shrugged. "I hate saying this.... But a long time." 

Then his face lit up- "Come with me!" He took my hands. 

I smiled. "Niall that sounds great. But that's your life. I need to live mine. I have a job here and I can't be gone traveling for so long because in the end it doesn't benefit anything for me. Actually.... My dad's asked me to come live with him since mom died. And I think I'm going to move back for a while." 

Niall's face fell. "I can't live without you Faye...." 

"Me neither. And we won't. We can do this. We will do this." He kissed my forehead and hugged me close to him. 

"Remember the ring," He pointed to my ring he gave me for Christmas that I was still wearing. "I'm always there." 

I nodded and pressed my lips to his. Our lips tangled in a kiss when I pulled away. 

This was going to be a long year.


Niall's first week of tour- Faye's first week back at home. 

Faye's POV: 

Was it bad that I already missed Niall like crazy? I mean, I'm used to seeing him every day.. He's not only my boyfriend but my best friend. 

I was currently wearing his Jack Wills hoodie. I hadn't taken it off actually. Nor had I washed it. It smelled like him. 

"Are you okay Faye?" Ali asked me. 

I nodded. "It's just weird being back home you know." 

Things were going to great in London, I guess I kind of took them for granted. 

She nodded. "So, want to set me up with some British hotties?" 

I laughed. "I've got a few I can call up for ya.. But I'm surprised you and Austin aren't dating by now." I wiggled my eyebrows. 

She threw her head back in laughter. "Well, me too. But that ended after our first date." 

I nearly choked on my root beer. "WHAT?! YOU GUYS WENT ON A DATE?!" I gasped. 

She shushed me and nodded. "Once. And I tripped and spilled my mango smoothie all over his head."

I covered my mouth attempting to prevent the giggles from spilling out.

She nodded chuckling. "Go ahead laugh. We're over it now."

I couldn't hold it in and I burst out into a sea of snorts, cackles and laughing. It wasn't long before Ali joined in too. 

"That's the single life for ya. But I mean, I've been keeping up with yours." She winked. "It's practically all over twitter and the news miss 20k followers."

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