Chapter 41: I have you

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Faye's POV: 

"I need all of these photos done by this afternoon do you hear me?" Gaile asked and I nodded assertively. "Good. Now get to work." She said again. "Hey- what happened to your arm Miss Carter?" She rose an eyebrow at my deep wound in my right arm that I had gotten yesterday..

"Nothing..." I studdered. "I fell." Shit. I was a horrible liar and everyone knew it. Not something I was to proud of..

"Okay.. It looks pretty bad you may need stitches." She said before leaving with her heels clicking against the marble flooring with every step she took. 

I looked at my arm.. It was sort of bad. I felt as if I should probably get it checked out, but Niall felt horrible and I kept assuring him that it was fine. I didn't want to come up and worry him with going to the doctor about it. 

Maybe he doesn't have to know that I went to the doctor? No, no, no, no, don't mess with trust Faye. You don't want to take a chance of screwing anything up for some stupid reason. You love Niall just talk to him when you get home. 

There, I'll tell him I want to go to the doctor later. 

"Faye!" Cece called and I went into our office. "You working on the editing too?" 

"Unfortunately yes." I rolled my eyes. 

She chuckled and then just what I was afraid of, her eyes landed on my arm. "Oh my god Faye what happened. And before you decide to tell me you fell off your bike or something stupid just remember you're a horrible liar and I'm not buying it." She said. 

I groaned. "UGH. Fine. Okay- In an alley there were a bunch of drunk teenagers and crap and they came at me and it cut on a wired fence." 

Her hand flew to her mouth, eyes widening even more, if that was even possible... "Oh my god. Does Niall know?!" 

"Well yes because he was with me smart one. Like I would go wondering on my own." My tone dripped with attitude trying to hint to her that I was not in favor of participating in the current conversation.

"Well what did he do?!" She asked. See, this is why I didn't want to tell Cece, don't get me wrong, she's my best friend, but she is also the biggest detail seeker I know. 

"He punched a guy in the face yada yada we left and I really don't want to have this conversation Cec." I concluded bowing as she rolled her eyes putting her hands up in surrender. 

"Fine, fine. Get back to work we'll talk later!" She waved, her auburn hair flipping around as she turned walking in the opposite direction. 


"Hey Ni- I'm home." I called entering to see Harry, Louis and Niall playing fifa on the xbox. 

"HEY FAYE!" Louis screamed. 

"HEY LOUIS." I mocked his overenthusiastic tone. 

"FAYE!" Niall and Harry both yelled as I walked over and sat by Niall kissing his cheek. 

"How was work?" Niall asked. 

"Ugh. Work." I rolled my eyes although all their eyes were still fixed onto the screen. 

"Bad?" Harry asked. 

"Busy." I responded. 

I noticed their game end when Louis screamed, "YES THE TOMMO TAKES ALL ONCE AGAIN." As he got up and did a victory dance. He pulled me up with him and made me dance with him but once again, another persons eyes fell to my wound on my arm. His face went pale for a second, his eyes clouded with confusion. 

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