Chapter 21: Pranking the Tommo

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Faye's POV: 

After giving Niall his sweatshirt back we went back into the living room with everybody. 

"CARTER! WHERE WERE YOU GUYZ?" Louis asked me wiggling his eyebrows. 

"WE WERE MAKING OUT!" I yelled at him. He looked shocked. "Just kidding you moron." I shoved Louis playfully. 

The night went by pretty fast and finally we decided we would watch a movie. 

I sat on the couch in between Cece and Niall. On the other side of Cece was Harry who already had his arm around her. 

"Nialler look.. Young Harreh is moving in.." I winked. Niall chuckled and nodded. 

"What movie are we watching?" Cece asked. 

Louis looked excited and then smiled evily. 

"DON'T EVEN SAY IT TOMMO I WILL NOT WATCH PARANORMAL ACTIVITY." I screamed at him. He made us watch it like 3 times before and I hate and I mean HATE scary movies... And in my own apartment, it SERIOUSLY freaks me out....

Louis expression fell.. "Fine." He muttered. "We will watch...... TOTAL RECALL!" He said. 

"Okay cool." I said. I actually quite enjoyed this movie. It was the remake that had come out earlier this year. 

I felt my eyelids get heavy and resting my head on Nialls shoulder, I felt myself drift off to a peacefull sleep. ......

Nialls POV: 

Faye had her head on my shoulder and I was pretty sure she was asleep. She looked adorable while sleeping... Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to creep on her or anything but she was just.. beautiful. 

She didn't like to think that she was very pretty but she truely was. God I was so excited that we were going to go on a date. I had fallen so hard for her already, I just couldn't contain my happiness. 

I had had a fling or two with other girls, I had had crushes, but this was so different. It was powerful. It almost scared me a little bit.. The things she could do to me without trying. The effects she had on me. 

I wrapped my arm around her waist and almost fell asleep myself..... But I stayed awake because of the loud movie. 

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the movie was pretty much over. 

"ICE CREAM TIME!" Louis screamed. 

"SHHHH! Louis! Faye is sleeping!" I whisper-yelled at him. 

He shrugged. "Whoops." But then he proceeded to run into Faye's kitchen.. When she finds out Lou ate her ice cream, she will be livid. I chuckled, she was so funny. 

I felt Faye stir beside me. Looking down I realized her eyes were already open and looking up at me. She smiled. 

Her perfect smile. With her perfect teeth. And perfect eyes.... And cute round nose....

Then I felt heat rise to my cheeks when she was chuckling...... Geez way to play it cool Niall.. You were just staring at her...... That is sorta embarassing.....

She sat up from my shoulder and stretched. 

"Whered Tommo go?" She asked. 

"Kitchen." replied Liam. 

"Oh no he didn't.." Her eyes widened. 

"We will get him later though remember?" I winked at her. She nodded and smiled mischieviously. 

We all set up blankets on the floor and on the couches. 

Liam was on one couch, Zayn on the other. We spread sleeping bags out on the ground. Cece and Faye were in the middle. I was next to Faye and Harry on the other side of Cece. Then Louis on the other side of Harry. 

We all snuggled into our sleeping bags and started to drift off to sleep..........

When everyone was asleep my eyes popped open and looked over at Faye who was already awake, her face plotting what our move on Louis would be.... 

Faye's POV: 

I smiledc evily at Niall. We got out of our sleeping bags and he followed me into the kitchen. 

"What should we do?" I asked him. 

"I don't know.. He is a really heavy sleeper though! I doubt he will wake up.  "What if we move him out in to the hallway. 

"Haha! That would be great but he could get mobbed if someone recognized him. So I have an idea..... Louis drank like 5 bottles of water right? " I asked. Niall nodded. "Perfect." I grabbed the seran wrap out from the cabinet and proceeded to the bathroom closest to the living room. 

"What are you doing?" Niall asked confused. 

"Shhh! you'l see." I laughed. 

I lifted the toilet seat up and wrapped the seran wrap around the toilet hole. It was clear so you couldn't tell it was there. I put the toilet seat back down. 

"So, after drinking all that water, Louis will have to go to the bathroom, but when he comes, he will come in here, and he won't see the seran wrap because it's clear, and he will.... pee on himself really." I giggled. 

Niall started to laugh extremely hard, I put a hand over his mouth to stop him from waking  everyone else up. 

"Oh, and I am going to draw a mustache on his face!" I added. We turned the bathroom light off and I put the seran wrap away. Then, I grabbed a sharpie and drew a mustache on his face. Niall took the marker and added a unibrow. 

I suddenly couldnt controll my laughter. But Nialls hand flew to my mouth to stop me from spoiling it. We snuggled back into our sleeping bags and waited. 

Suddenly we saw Louis stir....

I looked at Niall... He was biting his lip to keep him from laughing. I shoved my face in my pillow to keep my laughter contained as Louis got up to go use tha bathroom. When he was gone and we heard the bathroom door close Niall looked over at me and we were laughing silently. 

It was quiet than all the sudden we heard a huge and I mean HUGE scream. I couldn't contain my laughter anymore and obviously neither could Niall. I doubled over in laughter and I was leaning on Niall for support. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Louis screamedd from the bathroom. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" He yelled again. 

The others started to stir and wake up. 

Louis stormed out of the bathroom. Niall and I still dieing of laughter. The others joined in too noticing his drawn unibrow and mustache. 

'fuck. you. you two. Niall. and Faye. Yeah. Fuck. You. I will get you back for this you sons of nutcrackers." He said proceeding back to the bathroom. He dissappeared for a while and then came back with one of my t shirts on and a pair of his sweats that were in my room. I had stolen them from him. 

"Hey those are my clothes!" I said. However, I was still trying to get over my giggles it was bloody hilarious. 

"Are they? I'm sorry, I didn't notice. I was too busy worrying about my other clothes that my pee backfired and splattered on!" Louis said causing Niall and I to go back into a fit of laughter. 

"I love you tommo." I blew him a kiss. 

He rolled his eyes, huffed then curled up again next to Harry in his sleeping bag. 

"What...?" Asked Harry.

I giggled. "Long story.. You don't want to know." I said. 

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