Chapter 16: Pancakes & Niall Horan

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Faye's POV:

*beep beep beep*

Uggghh.... With my eyes still shut, I went and turned off my alarm on my bedside table. 

Five more minutes...

Five more minutes of sleep................

I guess my phone didn't agrree with me because I shot up out of bed when my phone blared out its usual ringtone. 

"Hello..?" I asked tired and grumpily. 

"ELLO LOVE!" Said a cheery irish boy on the other side of the phone. I smiled just knowing I was on the phone with Niall.....

My feelings have grown for him over the summer and the fall. 

I really fell for him. 

But he doesn't know that. And if things go my way, he  never will know that. 

"Hey Nialler... Why so cheery?" I asked. 

"Because I know you do not want to wake up and go to your meeting so I went out and got you breakfast and I am on my way home to bring it to you!" He said. 

I felt my mouth turn up emensily. 

I was starving. 

"Ah Thank you Niall!!! I am so hungry do you want to eat with me?" I asked him. 

"Well duh! Be over in 5!" He said. I could hear the smile clear in his voice. 

"Alright thanks Ni! Bye! See you soon!" I concluded. 

"Bye Faye!" he retorted back. 

I got out of bed. Man I did not want to go to my meeting today. 

It was about college. I had an interview meeting thing with a college headmaster. My parents are making me go to college, so I am looking here in London because I do NOT want to leave this place. 

Don't get me wrong, I really want to go to college, it sounds like fun! I am just really enjoying myself. But I know this won't last forever. I managed to get a job at the photography studio down the block. 

I am pretty crafty with technology so I can edit the pictures and sometimes I even get to take them! I like photography. 

my job payed well and I really enjoyed it too! So I was skeptacle about going to college because I was doing fine. 

I threw on a white lace top (don't worry it is not see through) and a highwasted aqua mini skirt. I threw a long chained necklace in with it that had a blue gem at the bottom. 

I decided to leave my hair natural because I didn't have time to put effort into it. It was really wavy with occasional curls here and there, and did I mention frizzy..?!? Because it was beyond that point.... But whatever..

I walked into the kitchen and as if right on que there was a knock. 

I opened the door to reveal a happy Niall carrying a bag of food. He ran into my flat and set the food down on the island and took it out. 

I laughed. There was no stopping Niall when he was hungry. 

Niall and I had grown really close over these past few months. We were good friends and I knew I wanted to be more than friends... However, I needed to accept the fact that that would NEVER happen...

It was hard, but I was learning to move on. Sort of..... I kept telling myself that I was over my little "crush"... But every time I looked into his eyes.... I lost it. 

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