Chapter 46: Win her back

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SURPRISE UPDATE! I realized how short the last chapter was so here you go- the more feedback/votes, the faster I will update again guaranteed! Enjoy(: x

Niall's POV: 

"Where's Louis?" Harry asked. 

I shrugged. However, all the sudden Louis burst through the door. 

"Louis what the hell?! You've been gone for three days with no explanation." Harry said. 

"That's not important. But the important thing is Niall you're going to get Faye back!" He cheered. 

My heart lifted than sunk at the mention of her name. I lost the most important thing to me. And I know this sounds so freaking cheesy and I never thought I would be like that. 

Think of your best friend, and how you would feel if one day they called and said- sorry we can never see each other again. 

The best friend you loved. The one who knew everything. The one you cuddled with. The one whose kisses left you breathless. Now, I'm not saying you kiss your best friend. That could be weird... But for me, it isn't. Because I just happen to be in love with mine. 

She's everything to me. I've never met a girl who I can completely be myself around. I miss running my fingers through her perfect soft hair that always smelled good. I miss protecting her and having her in my arms. I need to get her back. 

My heart fell again, she met someone else...

"How..?" I dared to ask. "She met someone else Louis." 

"No she didn't." He said. 

My hope rose more than it should've but how would Louis know? 

"How do you know?" I asked. 

"I just.. do." He hesitated. 

"Louis what do you know?" I asked sternly. Something about his tone was telling me he knew more. 

"Nothing. I just know that-"

"You just know what?" I rose an eyebrow. "If you know something regarding me gir- ex girlfriend," The word ex was poison on my tongue. "You need to tell me." 

Louis sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 

"Fine I was with her okay? I had to know the truth and what's important is she still loves you and she didn't meet someone else. And I have a plan to get her back." He said. 

"Why would she break up with me if she still loves me Louis?" I retorted. It didn't make sense. 

"Because of the pain Niall. It isn't hard for her to sit around at home by herself when the love of her life is out living his dream. She's left behind missing you and barely hearing from you." He said. 

Guilt rose in my stomach. I put my head in my hands. 

"Just get one of your songs you wrote for Faye Niall." Louis said. 

"Now?" I asked. 

"Yes now." 

"Well they aren't good. Only one is done." I spoke. 

"Then go get it!" He shooed me off. 

I walked over to my room and grabbed a folded piece of paper from under my pillow case and brought it back out. 

"This is the only finished one... It's all the reasons why I love her.." I chuckled embarrassed. 

Louis read it over. "it's perfect. Practice it with the band." 

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