Chapter 1: Same old Same Old

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Faye's POV: 

I got into my red mustang my parents bought me for my sixteenth birthday 2 years ago. Yeah I know what you are thinking. 

Faye is daddys little girl. Daddys rich. Daddy buys her everything she wants. That spoiled bitch.

I hate that. People always judge me because of my parents wealth and i hated it. But guess what, I paid for most of that car. I am not spoiled. Well, maybe I am but I sure as hell don't act like a brat. 

As I was driving, One Direction came on the radio. Uggh.... I hear about them non stop from my co-worker and best friend Ali, who is obsessed with them. I dont understand what the craze is about. They are just conceted jerks who have girls falling at their feet. 

Pulling into the restaraunt I worked at I locked my car and walked in. 

"Miss Carter, you are late again." Said my manager Stella sternly. Stella was a total bitch. We went to the same school. Luckily I just graduated senior year. She hates my guts. Pretty much the steriotypical polular slut with boys falling at her feet. Crop tops and paries for her. With her long brown locksand bright blue eyes i hated to say it but she really was stunning. But I still didn't like her. 

"Stella let it go. It is one minute you know I have to drop my little brother off at Day care before I come. Drop it." I said to her demandingly. 

"I can see you were in a rush. You always look a mess. Next time maybe I'll fire you." 

"But that wouldn't be much fun would it Stella? Who would you have to bitch out on?" I winked at her and left her standing speachless. Finally, I got the witch to shut up. 

"Nice one Faye. Didn't know you were such a diva." said Austin who I worked at the diner with. He was a flirt, and I could tell he liked me but no, we were just friends. 

"Yeah, yeah Austin whatever. Where is Alison?" I searched for my best friend. 

"In the kitchen! Where your fine ass should be" He winked and I smacked him on the shoulder. 

"Save it Austin." i laughed walking into the kitchen finding Ali gathering plates. 

"Hey Faye whats up!?" Ali asked as she brushed a piece of her pin straight bleached blonde hair. Her chocolate eyes full of curiousity. 

"Nothing, just the same old same old." I sighed. 

"Look, Faye I know you had bigger plans for yourself but this is our life! What can we do? It will all turn out okay in the end." She said sympatheticly. 

"but it is the end! High School is over Ali! AND WHATS NEXT? Times out. And this Is NOT what I wanted." I snapped. Her face hardened and she was obviously annoyed with me. 

"Ali, I am sorry I didn't mean to snap at you. But I just want to do something with my life you know! It kind of sucks. I don't want to be known as the rich bitch from Chicago. I want to leave this place! I want to go......... to London! I have always wanted to go there Al, I am going to save up my money and move there this summer. That Is what I am going to do." I said proudly. 

"And what is your mother going to think about this?" Alison raised her eyebrows. 


"Absolutely not." My mother said sternly. 

"Mom please! I want to get out of here! I can manage! I will find a job and have my own apartment! Maybe I can become a singer!" I pleaded. 

"Honey, you have no idea what it is like in the real world." 

"All the more reason I should mom! What am I going to do when you aren't here anymore? I have to learn to live on my own! And this is the perfect operatunity!" I stated. 

"Faye, you know what? We will think about this. Maybe she is right Isabella." My father said. 

"Yes! Thank you daddy!" I ran up and hugged him. 

"Well we didn't say yes yet Faye!" he said. 

"I know, but only time will tell mom!" I laughed. 

I knew i had my dad convinced and it was only a matter of time before he convinced my mom too. I couldn't wait! 

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