Chapter 27: Out of time

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Faye's POV: 

***2 DAYS LATER+++++

Today was the day. 

My moms surgery. 

She wasn't in very good condition.

But let me fill you in;

So after we got rescued by Louis,  my dad came to pick us up... Little did he know there were two guests with me.

And that is when it became awkward...


My dad approached us giving me a tight hug before addressing the elephant in the room. 

"Who are these young lads?" he rose an eyebrow. 

"This," I gestured to Louis, "Is my friend Louis." Louis shook my fathers hand and said "Nice to meet you". 

"And this," I put my arm around Niall's torso, "Is my boy friend Niall." I said. Eagles were swarming in my stomach. I didn't know how he would handle this whole "boyfriend" thing. 

Surprisingly, my dad shook Nialls hand and nodded. "nice to meet you Niall. You treat my daughter right you hear me?" He said in all seriousness. 

Niall nodded. "Of course sir. I will take great care of her." 

My dad smiled and nodded. 

+ENd of flashback+

So, basically my dad drove us home and Niall and Louis are staying over at my house for tonight and we leave tomorrow. My mom's surgery would begin in about 1 hour. 

I was so nervous. 

I haven't been able to see her at all. I haven't seen her since the beginning of the summer. 

I was currently sitting on my bed, Niall was in the kitchen grabbing a snack, but I mean- what's new?

That is when I saw the old guitar on the other side of my room. 

"Hey Niall?" I asked. 

He came into the room unwrapping a granola  bar. 

"Yeah?" He asked. 

"Look." I got up and walked over to the old guitar, sliding out of its current position. "Could you play for me?" I asked. I loved it when he played guitar. 

Niall grinned. "Of course princess." He took the guitar gently and walked over to the bed and sat next to me. 

He tuned it slightly and began to softly strum. 

I recognized the tune immediately. He knew I loved this song. 

"White lips, pale face. 

Breathing in the snowflakes....." 

Niall's angelic voice harmonized with the soft strumming of the guitar. 

I loved his voice. 

It made me forget about everything. 

My mom, and everything. 

Niall played the final cords of the guitar and then silence filled the room. 

I just smiled at him. "That was beautiful Niall. Like always." He smiled. 

"You know," Niall started. I rose my eyebrows awaiting the second half of his statement. "I still haven't heard you play the piano." 

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