Chapter 28: Silence

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Faye's POV: 

Stupid wall. 

I should've painted you light pink. Like mom wanted. 

But I had to go all self centered and paint it aqua blue. 

Stupid Faye. 

Stupid wall. 

Stupid life. 

Stupid cancer. 

Niall's POV:

"Mate she has been in there for five hours staring at the wall." Louis said. 

"I know Louis." 

"Well you need to do something." 

"Louis what do you want me to do? Her mom just died! I think she needs space. She locked herself in there for a reason." I hissed back. 

"You don't think she is... hurting herself... or anything do you?" Louis asked. 

I quickly shook my head. "No. No way. She wouldn't. She is just upset." I said. 



There seemed to be a lot of silence today. 

The only noises being the faint noise of the air vents. 

 My nose stung.  My eyes wattery. But no, I wouldn't cry. 

I mean I already did today....

But I couldn't anymore. I had to be strong. 

But it was so hard when Faye was so broken. 


Faye was so nervous. I could see it. 

We had been waiting for what seemed like forever. 

Finally, the door flew open revealing the doctor. 

"Hello. Listen, I am so sorry but unfortunately there was nothing we could do at this point. She passed away." 

Suddenly, a pained cry tore through the silence. It was Faye. She fell to her knees. Sobbing uncontrolably. 

Hearing her scream like that because she was so upset tore me apart. 

I rushed over to her and kneeled next to her pulling her into my arms as she burried her face into my chest. I could feel her tears soaking my shirt. Her body was shaking and I did everything I could to calm her down. 

Her father was just standing there, staring at the wall. WHat was he doing? Did he not see his daughter? Yeah I get it, his wife just died, but they needed to stick together. 

"Sir, what should we do?" Louis asked him as if reading my mind. He was obviously thinking the same thing I was. 

Her dad just shook his head and turned to leave. 

"Shhh darling it's okay. It is going to be okay." I stroked Faye's hair. She gribbed my shirt with a clenched fist. 

Louis looked devistated for her. I felt a tear stream down my face. 

"Please princess  shh.. It will be okay." My voice cracked. 

I lifted her up bridal style and she snuggled into me as I carried her out and into the car. 

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