Chapter 24: Taken

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Faye's POV:

Putting in my headphones, I sat in silence for the flight..


"Excuse me ma'm. You will need to power off your portable electronic devices for our landing. That means cell phones off." The flight attendant gave me the smile that said 'I don't like my job but I am going to pretend that I am having the time of my life so I don't get fired'.

I nodded and turned off my phone awaiting the dissension of the plane.

Finally, the plane had landed. And I mean FINALLY. It had been so long. When I stood up to get my baggage, my legs felt like jello from sitting down so long!

Walking off the plane I saw a sign with my name on it. It wasn't unusual... I didnt' expect my dad to pick me up himself. He would just buy someone to do it for him....

"Miss Carter I presume?" The man asked. He was British. His voice reminded me of Harry. I nodded.

"Right this way. Your parents are expecting you." I followed him out to a small limo and got into it. But that is when I was faced with someone who I never thought I would see again.

Nialls POV:

"LOUIS WHY ISN'T SHE ANSWERING HER FUCKING PHONE!" I screamed. I ran my hands through my hair and I was pretty sure I had pulled out half of it.

"NIALL CALM DOWN! I am scared too, but there is probably a reasonable explanation. She probably forgot to turn her phone back on or something." Liam spoke. He was always the reasonable one.

Louis was sitting on the couch staring at the wall. He hasn't spoken. A fresh batch of tears were in my eyes threatening to spill out and flood my face. But I tried my best to hold them back. Zayn sat next to me and put his arm around me comfortingly.

"Niall, it will be okay don't worry." Said Harry.

"But what if it isn't?" I croaked out.

"It will be. I doubt Tyler is even going to go at her. He was probably just saying that to mess you up." Said Zayn.

"Yeah mate. She is safe. She isn't even in this country!" Said Harry. 

"But Harry the text said-"

"Niall don't worry aboyut the text! She is probobly fine!" Said Liam. 

Man, I hoped they were right......

Faye's POV: 

I thought I was going to thrown up. 

"hey babe. Long time... No see." He spoke. 

 "What the fuck do you want Tyler." I growled at him. "Nice gap in your mouth." I smircked. 

He still had a gap on the bottom left side of his mouth from where I knocked out one of his teeth last time I saw him.  

"Well you certanly haven't changed since the last time I have seen you." He smiled. 

"Tyler I don't know what the hell you are up to but do not come near me." I threatened. 

He chuckled and scooted closer to me moving hair out of my face. I slapped him. Hard. 

He looked taken back and scooted away from me for a moment. "Well then. Don't worry. I don't want you like that anymore. You aren't even that attractive." He growled. 

I smircked. "Well then that makes two of us buddy." I said to him. 

"Well, isn't Faye just a little sassmaster." He said. I immediately thought of Louis. He was the sassmaster. I chuckled thinking about him. But then my heart sunk... Niall. What if something happened. No Niall was fine. I would just find out what this dickhead wanted and be on my way home. 

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