Chapter 32: Bending The Rules

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Faye's POV: 

I rolled over in my bed. 

Sitting up, I immediately doubled over in pain from my stomach. 

Ow. Ohmygod. Ow. 

I hiccuped.  Oh shit... 

I ran to the bathroom and kneeled over by the toilet. 

I moaned as the pain in my stomach just got worse. Soon, my insides were emptied into the toilet. 

Oww... I haven't thrown up in ten years!

Sitting back, I felt incredibly dizzy. 

I couldn't really move and my vision was blacking up. 

I tried to call for Niall but it came out as a whisper. My head pounded and the pain in my stomach wouldn't go away. 

"Niall...." I moaned again.. 

And it all went black....

Niall's POV:

"How is she doing?" Louis asked me on the phone. 

"Fine." I said. "She is asleep right now." 

I really hoped she was going to be okay.... She seemed like she was in a lot of pain... But at least now she was asleep. 

I heard foot steps... Was she awake?

"Hang on Louis, I am going to go check on her. Call you later." I said.

"Alright. Take care of her mate." He said.

"Of course. Bye Lou."

"Bye Ni."

I hung up and went into her room. She wasn't there.


I got up and went to check the bathroom. I knocked on the door.

"Faye darling?" I asked. "Are you in here?"

No answer.

I opened the door.

Oh my god!

"Faye?!?" I asked.

SHe was laying unconcious on the floor.

I flew down on my knees and lifted her into my lap.

She moaned, "Niall..." 

"I am right here princess." I said stroking some hair out of her face. 

Her eyes fluttered open revealing her beautiful grayish green eyes. They looked darker though today. Not as bright as usual. 

She coughed once and closed her eyes again. Her hands gripped her stomach and she doubled over. 

"Did you.. faint?" I asked. 

She nodded. "I think so... I blacked out and woke up on the ground.." She said. "Niall stay away from me, I don't want you to get sick." 

Ha. Did she really think I was going to stay away from her when she was like this? No way. 

"No Faye. I am staying with you. I don't know what is wrong, but I don't really care if I get sick. We need to get you to a doctor." I said. 

I sat her up against the wall so she was sitting up right and I went into the kitchen and got her a glass of ice water. 

Bringing it back I gave it to her. 

Her hand was shaking furiously as she brought it to her lips. I put my hand on her's and steadied the handle of the glass. 

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