Chapter 31: Let the Game's Begin...

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Faye's POV:

"Faye, I know you don't want to go. Are you sure you are fine?" Niall asked me. 

Tonight we were all going clubbing. And  by "we" I mean, 

Me, Niall, Louis, Eleanor, Harry, Cece, Liam, Danielle, Zayn, and... Stella. 


I wouldn't mind going out with everyone! It sounded fun! I just don't want to be there with Stella.

"No Ni it's fine! It will be fun. Just keep me away from the she-devil." I smirked. Niall chuckled. 

"Alright fine. But we all know you could take her down." He said. 

I nodded. "Well ya know.." I said flexing my muscles. 

Niall chuckled and picked me up spinning me around. I giggled. 

He kissed my lips softly. My hands found their way to his hair and he wrapped his around my waste. 

Our lips moved in sync and we both smiled into the kiss. 

"I am so lucky to have you." Niall whispered. 

"I should say the same thing about you Mr. Horan." I said. He kissed my lips softly once more. 

"Alright, you should get going. See you in about an hour. El, Dani, and Cece are already on their way to your apartment. And don't worry, Zayn told us Stella was getting ready on her own." He brushed some hair out of my face. 

"Kay." I said. "And thank god. I would not be able to handle hanging out with Stella for an extra hour. And I can not wait to meet Danielle!" I hugged him and he kissed my forehead. 


"Okay, so I have our dresses," Cece started. She had two shopping bags, she had obviously bought them today. 

"Yay!" I clapped. "Let me see!" I said. 

She pulled one out of the shopping bag. It was a light pink tight dress, but not to short, with some sparkles on the chest. It was strapless. 

"This one is mine." She said. 

"Oh my gosh Cec, that is gorgeous!" I said in awe. It really was. 

"Just wait." She held up her finger. Then, pulling out the second dress, she held it up so I could see it. 

It was a tight velvet midnight navy blue dress. It had a couple sparkles here and there and one strap. It was amazing. 

I heard myself gasp. 

"Ohmygod! This must have cost a fortune! How much was it?" I asked as I reached for my wallet on the counter. 

"No no no! This ones on me!" Cece shrugged it off smiling. 

"No way! I will pay you back somehow!" I said. 

She smiled. "Really, don't worry about it! Now," She said going into the second shopping bag. "THe shoes!" She pulled out gorgeous matching pumps for me and herself. They were both black. 

"Wow Cece really, you have outdone yourself." I said. 

"They don't call me the fashion queen for nothing!" She shrugged smiling tossing some hair behind her shoulder while giggling. She was the fashion queen. I nick named her that because she had an incredible style. 

I laughed. "Tis' true!" Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "That must be El and Danielle!" I said excitedly going over to open the door. 

"Faye!" Eleanor jumped into my arms giving me a tight hug. "I missed you!" She said. I wrapped my arms around her skinny torso. 

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