Chapter 44: Something's not right

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Louis' POV: 

WHAT? What the hell did I just hear? I was baffled. Speechless! 

Faye broke up with Niall....? 

Not only that, I couldn't stand to look at the tear stained face of my best friend. 

"I don't know what I did Louis.." He sniffled. I could tell he was trying to appear strong. "I love her." 

"Did she tell you why? I mean.... I know Faye she's one of my best friends and I know that she loves you more than anything Nialler...." I said not quite sure how to approach the situation.

"Yeah.." He winced squinting his eyes, a fresh batch of tears silently streaming down his face. "She met someone else...." He sobbed into the pillow. "Louis... I-I.... " He lost it and was choking on his tears now. 

What? Okay, Faye would never do that there's something off here.

I need to figure this out but I can't leave my best friend here. 

"Niall mate somethings off. You know what?" I asked. 

He shrugged and sniffled. 

"You're going to get her back." I said and with that I left the room and grabbed my car keys. 

Something was off. And I was going to Colorado to find out. 

Niall's POV: 

I felt like my heart had been torn out of my chest. 

I wonder if this so called, "New guy" shares cocoa puffs with her. I wonder if they go out for ice cream at midnight. I wonder if he sings her to sleep when she's sad. I wonder if he knows how beautiful she is and I wonder if he tells her. I wonder if she plays the piano for him. 

I wonder if he knows how lucky he is. 

This honestly can't be happening. I picked up the velvet box sitting on my nightstand that I had just bought for her. I opened it to reveal a gold four leaf clover necklace with a diamond in one of the leaves. 

I immediately shut it and screamed into my pillow. How did this happen? 

I'm an idiot. She deserves someone who will be there for her. Literally. Like be there as in not across the world all the time. I don't deserve her. 

Right now I would usually call Faye and talk about stupid stuff like about how I got in trouble at Walmart or how she pulls pranks on her friends. I miss her. I feel like half of me is gone. 

I mean I missed her before she...... broke up with me.... but this was a new miss. A longing. Just to hear her voice. 

I feel like a baby. I wanted to call her a hundred times until she agreed that this was a mistake. 

Louis said he was going to figure it out. But what was he going to do? She had moved on. 

I never imagined anything could hurt this bad. 

Faye's POV: 

I haven't spoken to my dad in three days so I imagined this "family meeting" of two people he had called for was going to be awkward. 

I walked into the dining room and saw he was facing the other way, and I walked right back out when I heard a stern voice summon me back. 

I avoided eye contact and sat across from him bringing my attention to my phone scrolling through twitter. Anything to distract. 

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