Chapter 35: The Truth

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Faye's POV: 

I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to go wrong at dinner tonight...

I mean, seriously. I thought I was done with Stella when I moved here. 

But no, she has to force herself right back into my life. 


I was wearing ripped skinny jeans with a grey and white striped sweater. It was just a casual restaurant after all. I curled my hair in loose ringlets and put on a bit of mascara. 

I left my apartment with my cross body satchel and put on my grey toms. 

I went down the elevator and down to Niall's apartment. 

I was seriously getting more annoyed by the minute. Honestly, I was worried about Niall sitting right next to her..... Not that I didn't trust Niall, but she definitely wouldn't miss an opportunity to flirt. 

I know she isn't loyal to Zayn.

I knocked on the door and a happy Zayn answered. 

Awh... Poor Zayn. He didn't deserve someone like Stella... He was so sweet. She was so..... her. 

"Faye!" Zayn smiled. 

"Hey Zayn!" I smiled back, although it was forced. 

Niall jumped into the door frame behind Zayn. 

"ELLO!" He greeted me in an extremely weird voice that sent me laughing. 

Shit. We were supposed to be on a break...... 

Zayn eyed us weird and I immediately straightened my face. 

"Niall." I stated. 

"Faye." He nodded back. Yup. Niall was not a good actor. 

I was in a bad mood and I honestly just wanted to run into Niall's arms. It's a miracle I have lasted this long. Yes, it has only been about 45 seconds. 

He was just too adorable and innocent. 

I entered the flat to see everyone already in there.

"We are waiting on Stella and then we will leave." Liam said. 

I sat down on the couch next to Lou. 

"Why don't we just go since she is late. Not my problem." I said a bit too loudly. 

Zayn was in the kitchen with Harry though.. he didn't hear. 

Everyone looked at me. Niall's lips fighting a smile. 

Louis raised his hand. "I agree. Let's go." He stood up. 

"Louis." Eleanor said pulling him back down. "Be nice." 

"Fine." Louis crossed his arms and rested his head on Eleanor's shoulder. Aw. 

A knock was at the door. I groaned. 

"Stella is here!" Zayn said. 

I felt a pang in my heart. Poor Zayn...

I stayed right where I was when everyone else got up. 

Sure enough, Stella walked in. 

My jaw dropped. What the actual fuck was she wearing? 

We were all in jeans and shirts. 

She was wearing a short, tight, pink cocktail dress with heels. 

We weren't going clubbing for gods sake! And even if we were, the outfit would still be inappropriate. 

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