Chapter 29: Moving On and Unexpected Surprises

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Faye's POV: 

"Faye, Faye," Somebody shook my shoulder. "The plane landed." I opened my eyes to see Louis shaking me awake. I groaned and looked over to Niall who was asleep with his head resting on my shoulder. He was adorable. 

I kissed his forhead and brushed a lock of blonde hair out of his face. "Nialler we are back in London." I said quietly. 

Niall's eyes found their way open and we stood up and got our luggage. 

Getting off the plane seemed to take hours, we were in first class, however, the flight attendants seemed to be having technical difficulties. 

I opened my small pack of advil I had in my carry-on backpack. My head was pounding. But someone bumped into me from behind and the pills spilled everywhere. 

"SHE HAS DRUGS!" Someone screamed. 



"Miss Carter explain to me why you had drugs on an airplane." The man said. 

"I don't have drugs! It is advil!" I replied annoyed. Really? I was being questioned for having advil? 

Louis was laughing hysterically in the corner and Niall was smiling and biting his lip to keep from laughter. 

"Well miss are you aware that we do not allow any individuals to carry a container full of pills on a plane. How do we know that they aren't explosive?" I rolled my eyes at this. 

"Are you fucking serious. I am 18. I am not going to blow up the fucking plane. So excuse me and I will be on my way." I said. His eyes widened and he turned on his walkie talkie and spoke into it. 

"We have a code 5 verbal assault in gate B21." He spoke. 

"ARE YOU FU-" I started but he rose his eyebrows at me. "Sir, please you are making this a bigger deal than it is." 

I could hear Louis bursting out of laughter. I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I turned to see Niall. 

"Please sir, she has had a rough week. Just let us go." Niall said although I could tell he did find a bit of humor out of the situation. But it was Niall, and he thought everything was funny. 

"Hey!" He pointed to Niall scrunching up his eyebrows. "You are that boy. From that boy band! My daughter loves you dudes." He said. 

Niall smiled. "Yeah that's me. Now we really need to get going." Niall trailed off. 

"Wait a minute. I see what you are trying to do." He said. "Don't you think you can go boppin' around like this is loopy town." He made a weird face and I tried not to burst out laughing. 

"I'm sorry.." I choked out in between tiny giggles I was holding in. I could feel Niall's body shaking as he was trying not to laugh. 

"You heard me. However, I will let you go if this young man here signs this napkin for my daughter." He said. 

Niall nodded. "Sure." He took the marker. "What is your daughters name?" 

 Niall signed the napkin and he finally let us go.


"Well that was an adventure." Louis laughed. I couldn't help but join in. It was bloody  hilarious. 


When we got back to the apartments it was around 5:30 am here. I was exausted. But I had to go to work.

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