Chapter 14: Saving You

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Faye's POV: 

Today was the day I would go to the Ice rink with Tyler...

Part of me just wanted to stay home and hang out with Niall.....

But I promised Tyler that I would go with him..

My head hurt really bad though......

I put on black skinny jeans and a white sweater with a white knitted beanie, my light brown ish blonde hair in waves underneath. 

Suddenly there was a knock at my door. 

I opened it revealing a very handsome Tyler.......

His chocolate eyes staring intensly into mine. 

"Hey Tyler!" I said.  He flashed his perect smile at me. 

"Hey babe." He said. 

Umm. babe..? Okay.....?

I smiled and took his arm as we headed out. On the way there Tyler and I talked and talked. He was actually listening to me... And being really sweet....

Maybe Tyler was what I needed to get over my so called 'crush' on Niall.... The boy who I could never have in a million years. 

When we got there, I protested but Tyler paid for my skates. 

Stepping onto the rink I held onto Tylers arm really tight... I was sure he would have a mark there after words.... Whoops... 

Tyler kept his arm around my waist and kept me from falling down which was most of the time. With his arms around me we skated around for a while. It was actually really nice...

I got a text from Niall suddenly. .

Nialler :) -

Hey Faye! Just wanted to know how you were doing...... And erm... sorry to ask but what is the name of the guy you are with...? 

I giggled a little bit. Niall was so cute.

To: Nialler :)
Hey Nialler(: I am going home and we are going to hang out after. And his name is Tyler Willburn. If you really are that worried you can go check his twitter ;)

He responded almost emmideatley. 

From: Nialler :)

I will check his twitter thank you very much and okay.... Tell me where you go. 

My goodness Niall was protective. 

We got into the car to drive home. I really really liked Tyler actually......... He was sweet, caring, and considerate....

"Did you have a good time Faye?" Tyler asked me. 

I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah.. Maybe we could do this again sometime." He beamed at me and nodded.

"Oh shoot..... I can't find my room key... Can we go to your place instead? I think I dropped it somewhere at your apartment I could look for it?" He asked sweetly.

"Yeah of course!" I said. He smiled and we drove off to my apartment.

Nialls POV: 

I sighed logging into my twitter on my laptop. I went to this so called Tyler Willburns twitter. I felt like I was on it for hours.

Going through tweet after tweet, photo after photo....

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