Chapter 13: If only you knew

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Faye's POV:

Did I do this..? Maybe Niall wasn't mad.. Maybe he slammed the door on accident.. 

No... he definetly did it on purpose.. 

I wonder why he was angry......... 

Ugggghh this was so frustrating. 

"That was weird......I'll go check on him..." Liam said as he got up and proceeded down the hall and to the bathroom. 

Returning after only a few moments with an upsetting look on his face. 

Louis got up and whispered something in his ear then glanced towards me... 


This must be about me. 

"He won't let me in......" Liam responded to Louis quietly but I could hear. "He was crying...." 

My heart sunk and I got a sick feeling in my stomach...

I knew I cared for Niall.. A lot.... More than I should......

And now he was crying..... because of me....

He probobly hates the fact that I practicly made out with one of his band mates... He probobly thinks that I am a slut... Just like the girl in the elevator....

Maybe I am a slut....

Now that Irish boy that I adored was in tears. It was all my fault. 

Before I knew what was happening Louis came up to me and wiped a tear off my face. 

I didn't even know I was crying..

Why was I crying? 

Did I like Niall that much..? Maybe I did because the tears wouldn't stop coming. 

"Shh.. Darling whats wrong?" Louis asked me wiping more tears away. 

"I don't know..... But Niall....... Liam said he was crying... He probobly hates me..." I sniffled. 

Louis expression softened. "No no no! Niall could never hate you... Why would he?" He asked. 

"I am a slut." I responded. And it was the truth. I didn't even deserve to be in the same room as Niall. 

Louis eyes widened. "What?! Who told you that?" He asked genuanly concerned. He seemed protective over me.... I liked him a lot... in a brotherly best friend way that is. 

"Nobody had to Lou.... It's the truth." i whispered. 

"No, it's not. And your stupid to think that. You are far from a slut, your perfect. Don't say those things..." He looked me in the eyes and for a second... I actually believed him... But this crying was making my head throb with my concussion...

"Thank you Lou.... But my head..... Its throbbing." I held my head in my hands. 

Louis lifted me up bridal style and carried me down the hall and into his room. He laid me down onto the bed. 

"You can sleep if you want or just laying down in general will probobly help..." He said. 

"Thank you Louis.." I said. He nodded. 

"Your always welcome I am always here for you Faye... I am going to go see whats going on with Niall." He said. I nodded and he left. 

I couldn't really sleep so I just laid in silence with a throbbing headache......

Occasionally tears would run down my cheeks....

What did I do...?

Louis POV: 

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