Chapter 45: Pinch of Hope

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THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO: @trackstercam because she has been leaving the sweetest comments. Thank you so much love it means a lot(: I hope you enjoy this chapter because it was your comments that motivated me to find time and write it. xx

Faye's POV: 

Louis...? What the hell was Louis doing in my room?! 

"Hi Faye." He spoke crossing his arms. 

"Louis what are-" 

"That's not important. Now can you explain to me what the hell happened?" He asked. 

This was extremely difficult. Seeing Louis reminded me of all the times I have had with him and Niall and the rest of the boys. 

"What do you mean..." That was the dumbest thing I could've said. I just hope he didn't see the trash can full of tissues in the corner. I have been crying a lot lately. 

"DON'T SAY THAT TO ME FAYE DON'T PLAY DUMB." His yelling took me by surprise. He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell... But your my best friend and I know you didn't just meet someone else becuase you wouldn't do that. How could you do this to Niall?! Do you understand how he has been? He's to embarassed and depressed to leave his room." 

"I know how he feels Louis. Becuase I've been the same exact way.." I trailed off. 

He rose his eyebrows. "You wanna know how I got here?" 

"I don't know, maybe by plane." I said sarcastically even though I knew this really wasn't the time. 

"Yeah. I took the plane ticket that Niall had just bought to come visit his girlfriend on the weekend off." 

My hand flew to my mouth and my stomach dropped with guilt and a tear ran down my cheek. 

Louis face softened a bit. "Faye." He said and I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. I don't care if he was pissed at me. I needed my best friend. 

He responded after a moment. "It isn't too late. You can make it right." He whispered. 

"It is too late Lou. I fucked it up. Like usual. He probably never wants to see me again." I wiped a tear away. "Plus Louis, it kills me to be away from him and I never get to talk to him he's always so busy. I talked to Harry more than I talked to Niall. I thought it would be easier to cut it off now." I said. "It's over and done with." 

He sighed. "Please give him a chance Faye." 

"Louis. I can't it's done. Can you stay the night?" I asked. 

"I don't know Faye... That wouldn't be fair to Niall." He said. 

"Come on please I need a friend." I begged. 

"Fine." He answered. 


"Who is this?" My dad asked as Louis and I walked into the kitchen. My voice caught in my throat. 

"Dad you remember Louis. He's visiting..." I trailed off. 

"Okay.. But he isn't going to stay in your room." He said. 

I rolled my eyes. "It isn't like that dad." 

"It's fine. We understand." Louis cut in. 

I grabbed some snacks that I know Louis likes and we sat awkwardly at the kitchen table. 


Louis' POV:


"Thanks so much for staying Lou." She said sniffling. I felt bad for Niall and Faye. They were perfect for each other. Niall's been locked in his room writing songs. 

"No problem. I missed you Carter." I ruffled her hair. "You okay?" 

She nodded. "Yeah Ali is on her way over right now." 

I nodded. I need to get them together again. 

And just then, a plan began to form in my mind. 

I hugged Faye goodbye and was walking outside when I saw Alison. Perfect. She was a key in my plan. 

"Hey Alison-" I waved. 

"Louis?" She squealed. 

"Hey. Listen, I want to get Faye and Niall back together and I have a plan. You in?" I asked. 

She nodded. "Me too. Of course I'll do anything." 

"Perfect." I flashed her a smile. "Here's what we're going to do...." 


A/N: AHHHHHH! Tommo to the rescue- maybe...(; We'll see what Louis has in plan so stay tunned! If you guys comment and vote a ton I will update TOMORROW! I promise! But it has to be a lot of feedback for that to happen! So please vote! I know this was a really crappy chapter but the next one will be REALLY EXCITING(: okay, whose seen best song ever? Can we all take a moment to appreciate how Zayn has a better butt than me? I died when Liam was dancing I can't even. WELL- I hope you enjoy the rest of your day- and check out my other stories, 'Clever' and my newest coming Louis fan fiction- 'Frozen' and let me know what you think! LOVE YOU ALL! ADIOS AMIGAS. 

- Cam x


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