Chapter 30: It's all a Game

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Faye's POV:

What the actual fuck. 



The girl who terrorized me and bitched out on me all through high school and middle school? The one I thought I would never see again.

She was dating Zayn. 

I opened my mouth and felt my breath catch in my mouth. 

What the hell was going on?

Stella acted as if she had never seen me before in her life! 

Everybody said hello but I stayed planted on the couch. Like cement. 

Niall gave me a confused look mixed with worry. He came back next to me. 

I couldn't ruin this for Zayn though because maybe he really likes her. 

"What's wrong?" Niall asked. 

I shook my head quickly. "N-nothing. Everything is just perfect." I was a horrible liar. 

Niall narrowed his eyes at me. "Faye I know you better than you think. We will talk about this later. 

I walked up to Stella and shook her hand. 

"I'm Stella." She smiled. 

I forced a smile. "Faye." 

"What a pretty name." She smirked at me. Yup. She defenetly knew what she was doing.

But the thing I couldn't figure out, was why the hell was she in London?

"Stella is apart of fashion week." Zayn said. Ah, fashion week. "She is one of the models."

No. No. no no no no! This wasn't happening.

I would have to work with her.

Fuck my life.

Louis looked at me oddly from across the room. "Hey Faye will ya help me with something in the kitchen?" He asked giving me a look that said I need to talk to you. 

"Sure Lou." I followed him into the kitchen. He shut the door and turned to me.

"What is going on?" He said.

"What do you mean?"

"Faye you know exactly what I mean. What just happened?" He said. I knew I wasn't going anywhere with this.

Well, I knew I could trust Louis. He was pretty much my best friend.

"Okay lou fine. But you can not tell anybody! And I mean ANYBODY. Especially Zayn. Because I don't want to ruin this for him." I said. Louis eyes narrowed and he drew back a second with confusion.

"Wait what.... You don't like Zayn? Do you?" Louis asked.

WHAT? That was ridiculous I fell for Niall! There was no other guy. Only Niall. And I am pretty sure that he was the only one there ever will be.. 

"EW LOUIS! What the hell?!" I gasped. The worry in his expression faded. "Hell no. Why would you even say that? Niall is my one and only." I said. 

Louis exhaled. "Okay just making sure... It did sound like that was what you were leading too though.." He shrugged. 

"Okay, whatever..." I started. "But here is the thing.... I know her." I said. 

His eyes widened. "Oh my god. It's... It can't be." He stated the realization clicking in his head. "Stella?" 

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