Chapter 21: New Arrival

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(Peter Pan’s P.O.V.)

     I walked out of my tent first, soon followed by Felix as I headed over to the center of the camp. All of the boys stood up from their logs, their hands behind their backs as they looked at me with anticipation. I knew what was going through all of their minds: Would Pan keep the girl like Ash or get rid of her?

     I would get rid of the girl. Let her stay for a day and then kick her off Neverland. Send her back home to wherever she came from. I didn’t have the time to worry about a girl that wouldn’t even be able to defend herself like the way Ash could on Neverland. Especially with the fairies and mermaids threatening to get rid of Ash, and the possible chance of revolt.

     Another girl on the island wouldn’t help matters. At least with Ash I knew where she was and even if they did get to her, she might have a fighting chance of defending herself. This girl, whoever she was, would have a day on Neverland like no other. Today would be her living hell for the short time she would be on Neverland.

     “Where’s the newcomer?” I called out, watching all the boys as the swayed their weight from one foot to another as they looked down. “Well?”

     “We didn’t want to go anywhere near your shadow. It hasn’t left the girls side since bringing her to Neverland. We believe he was heading this way based on the direction he went,” one of the boys spoke up.

     “Then why aren’t you following them to make sure they were coming to the camp!” I shouted causing all the boys to flinch.

     They knew all too well that it wasn’t ever good when I was angry. Especially at one of them. There were two ways that they could go through for either disobeying me or betraying me. Punishment or Death. And there were so many ways I could punish them it was really unfair, for them anyways; whereas there were a few ways I took in delight if I chose to kill them.

     “I’m sorry, Pan. I should have stayed behind to keep an eye on them,” Danny, one of the older boys said.


     I stiffened as I turned towards the direction the voice of a girl came from. Looks like my guest had finally made her way towards the camp. I eyed the girl with sandy blond curly hair that was pinned back slightly. Her hair was slightly untamed from her flight here. Her blue eyes gleamed from the light penetrating through the trees surrounding the camp. She wore a white nightgown with white ballet flats.

     I smirked slightly at the curiosity glowing in her eyes as she looked over the camp. That same curiosity that was radiating around her also intrigued me. Intriguing enough to convince me to use my magic to find out information about her.

     I saw a white veil cloud my gaze as pictures of memories of hers flashed in front of me as if I was witnessing them in person. A wave of information about this young girls life filled my mind as I learned her name was Wendy Moira Angela Darling. She’s the eldest child of three. Her younger brothers are John and Michael. Her parents are Mary and George Darling. She’s thirteen years old, on the brink of turning fourteen. She tells stories to her brothers about fairy tales such as Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, but her favorite one to tell is about…me. She saw my shadow outside her window in London, England, catching her interest and took his hand, letting him bring her here.

     I grimaced as I met the girls gaze, the veil of fog disappearing, allowing me to see clearly again.

     “Hello, I’m Wendy. Wendy Darling. A shadow told me that my friend Baelfire was here and that you knew where he is. I need to find him. Will you help me?” She asked, revealing her distinct British accent. She smiled softly at me. She probably didn’t even know who I was or what I could do.

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