Chapter 31: The Battle

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(Peter’s P.O.V.)

     “Ash, you need to go now,” I said. Clarion would be here soon with her army, and I can’t afford to have her around messing with the plan. I didn’t want anything to happen to her. She’s everything to me. She would understand that what I’m doing was for the best someday.

     “Let her go and send her home,” Ash said, standing up and facing me.

     “That’s not going to happen. I’m sorry, Ash. But this was the way it had to be,” I said, and blowed some sleeping dust in her face.

     I caught her as she blacked out. She would hate me when she woke up, but she did say the only way to get her away from the fight was to knock her out. And she was right. She would try to stop me from letting Wendy be killed by Clarion who would think it was her until she showed up, which would have been a disaster.

     “Make sure she doesn’t leave when she wakes up. I’ll set up a barrier, so it’ll be impossible for her to escape by herself without either you or me.”

     “I’ll make sure of it, Pan. I’ll come as soon as possible. Wouldn’t want to leave y’all hanging dry now.”

     “You and I both know it’s because your brother is a part of this, and you don’t want to seem him hurt. And there’s no way to talk him out of it because he’s loyal to me. And because of that, you have to as well.”

     “Just give me the girl.”

     “Make sure you keep her safe.”

     “Got it. And don’t worry, the fairy Queen won’t find her.”

     “You better hope not,” I said, picking up Ash and placing her in Rufio’s arms before he took off into the woods. “Alright, Wendy. Time to come out and play.”

     I opened the lock on the cage and yanked her out, keeping my grip on her so she wouldn’t fall since she had been in the cage for several days already. She was lucky she had any use whatsoever in this plan, otherwise I would have just tossed her to the mermaids as a peace offering. I probably should have done just that, but I needed her in order to get rid of the fairies once and for all. Clarion would see her home and her people burn before her eyes, just like I promised. And everyone knows, I always keep my promises.

     “Pan, please, don’t do this. I just want to go home.”

     “And you will, once you’ve done your part.”

     “You promise?”

     “Only when you succeed and Clarion does whatever it is she has planned for you will I let you go home, I promise.”

     “Pan. They’re coming from all sides!” Felix yelled, taking off his hood to reveal his choppy, messy blond hair. His gray eyes looking between me and Wendy.

     “Then let’s play,” I said, turning around to face Wendy. I raised up my hand did an illusion spell to make her look like Ash. I could have adjusted the spell to allow me to see that it was really Wendy underneath this illusion, but it was better this way. It would seem real to Clarion if I showed concern when she “captured Ash.” And seeing the illusion of Ash would probably help. It would be easier to forget that it was really Wendy underneath my spell.

     “Pan, what are we going to do about the mermaids?” Felix asked.

     “Easy. Get the other prisoners and toss them to the mermaids. They’ll be too busy drowning their food instead of drowning any of the other boys. I’ll set up a barrier to block them from coming ashore. Then bring them back to get rid of the fairies. I want them all dead. Make sure you leave Clarion to me. I want her to watch her home burn with her people screaming with no way to escape.”

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