Chapter 40: Camelot

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(Ash's P.O.V.)

    I screamed as Peter's shadow released its hold on me from several feet above the ground. When I finally landed, I was surprised I hadn't broken anything. Well, anything I could think of. All I could feel was pain skyrocketing throughout my entire body. At least last time, when the Shadow had been taking me to Neverland, I had at least landed in water. Even if it did hurt, it was better than crashing right into the ground.

     I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position, grimacing in pain. I managed to look up into the sky to see the shadow disappearing into the sky as the sun began to rise up. I doubted that if I were even to mutter the words "I believe" to go back to Neverland it would work., hated me. I deserved his hatred. He would never forgive me. Not after this.

    I would never go back to Neverland. Never see the lost boys every day. Never be able to hear their laughter when there was no one to worry about. Never take another step on the soil of the island. Never see anything of Neverland. But most of all, I would never be with Peter again. I would miss him so much. I don't think I could ever forget him. It seemed impossible to forget my first love. I wouldn't want to. I didn't want to forget every moment I spent with him. Even the times when I thought he was a bloody demon that's only purpose was to make my life a living hell on Neverland.

     If only I had remembered my past on Neverland, my life there would have been so much easier. I would have had a better understanding. I might have gotten along a lot easier with Peter and the lost boys. Why my father would allow a sorcerer to hide my memories from me didn't make any sense! What had been so bad about Neverland that my father had thought it best to hide it from me? Sure the fairies hated me, and the mermaids too, and I had been kidnapped by pirates causing several fights just because of me, but it didn't seem all that bad.

     Now if only I knew exactly where I was. I didn't even know if I was in Camelot. The shadow could have dropped me somewhere else, and I wouldn't even know it. I blamed that on my isolation from the rest of the kingdom. I had been kept hidden within the walls of the castle. I felt it unfair that I didn't know my own kingdom. It would have to be my personal study if, no when I found the castle. Especially if I was going to be Queen.

     How was I going to pull that off? I had had countless number of lessons to prepare me for the day when it would be my turn to rule. And yet, I felt completely clueless. I had been a princess my entire life, expected to become a Queen, and I felt unprepared. With my father gone, once my people got word that I'm still alive, they'd be hounding me. Asking me questions, some where I'd gone, how did I escape the attack, some might ask me questions I wouldn't know how to answer. Who knows? I might be asked to sign some documents that I might not even have any comprehension about.

     Taking a deep breath, I slowly got up. I wiped some dirt off of me before walking to who knows where. Hopefully I would come across a village of sorts, so I could ask where I am. If what Peter had told me about Camelot, this place couldn't be it.

    Peter had told me that it was a complete wasteland. The ground ran with blood. Dead bodies were littered everywhere. For certain the bodies had to have disintegrated except for maybe any new ones that most likely were corpses by now. There had to be bodies everyday if they didn't agree with my aunt's rule. She'd have them hanged or maybe have them killed some other way. I couldn't even imagine what anyone would be going through under her reign. It'd be horrible. There was no doubt it. From what I had heard from her two previous short reigns, she had been ruthless, cruel, cold-hearted. They had compared her to my grandfather, Uther. Her reign had been similar to Uther's. The only contrast was that she didn't execute those who had magic, only those who would not except her reign; whereas, Uther had those who used magic.

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