Chapter 9: "The game is about to get interesting"

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A/N: Picture on the side is of Peter...duh. Anyways, I'll try to update tomorrow, but if I don't I just want to say Merry Christmas! Also, thank you guys so much for reading The Princess and the Lost Boy, I really appreciate it.

(Peter Pan's P.O.V.)

     I laughed silently as I watched Ashlynn climb up that tree with only one arm. She was determined, even though I used my magic to prevent her from getting the lantern she tried to picture. I was being a little bit mean, but this was my game that she was playing. I didn't expect her to climb the tree in the dark though.

     "Pan?" A small, squeaky voice called out from behind me.

      I shook my head before turning around to see one of the youngest Lost Boys, Charlie, shaking from head to toe. All the other Lost Boys, except for Felix who was sharpening a stick, stood behind him, urging the seven year old to continue.

     "The Lost Boys and I were wondering if you would play a song. In celebration of a night off from babysitting the g-g-girl," Charlie said before looking down at the ground, as did the other Lost Boys, awaiting my answer.

     "I'm always up for playing a song. What about you Felix? A song in celebration of the Princess not around to annoy us tonight?" I called out and got Felix's attention as he looked up at me.

     "A night without the Princess, I'll celebrate to that, Pan."

     I silently laughed and pulled out my magic pipe. A pipe that only certain boys could hear. Boys that were lonely, unloved, and lost.  A pipe that led all of my Lost Boys to me, to join me in Neverland, and to become Lost Boys.  Pulling up the pipe to my lips, I blew into it starting a joyous song that got all the boys to grab their instruments, some grabbed masks as they started to dance. I pulled the pipe away from my lips as Felix walked past the Lost Boys over to me.

     "I thought you were going to punish the Princess differently. Not leave her out there where the shadow can easily prey on her."

     "This is only phase one of her punishment, and it's most certainly not going to be for the night. I'll leave her out there to starve. Once I think she's had enough, phase two, her real punishment will begin. I've already promised her it'll be far than what she's enduring right now," I said as I turned back around and took the telescope that Felix pulled out and handed to me.

     "Is there anything I can do to increase the torture during her time out there?" Felix asked, and I chuckled at his willingness to make the Princess suffer even more.

     "Grab the lantern, light it, and hand it to me. She's watching," I said, seeing her on a big, sturdier looking branch.

     I smelt the fire and reached for the lantern. Lowering down the telescope, I lifted the lantern, so that it was visible for her to see. I wasn't going to let her use anything on the island. None of the magic that comes from believing anything can appear, food, water, or anything else that could be a resource from this island. Letting her sleep in the tree was a gift I would allow for this one night.

     "You want to help in making Ashlynn's time out there a living hell? Give her a surprise wake-up call tomororw morning with a loud trumpet or something. You can even follow her and annoy her to great ends if you want. Just make sure tomorrow is rough. I'll handle everything else. The game is about to get interesting," I said before giving him the lantern and walking towards my tent.

     "It'll be my pleasure, Pan," I heard him whisper as I smiled, knowing he would take great joy in doing so.

      I walked into my tent and glanced over at the bed where she slept last night. I actually had enjoyed her company, even though she had been asleep. I sighed as I remembered when I came back to find her sleeping.


     I walked back into my tent after sending the boys off to play a game. I expected her to be awake, instead I found her asleep. She was shivering from how cold my tent was, even though she was underneath the covers. I rolled my eyes and created a thick, warm blanket out of thin air and put it on top of her.

     I sighed as I took in her peaceful state. She looked so relaxed. Her long, wavy brown hair framed her pale face, her light pink lips were slightly parted and were curved in a smile, and a slight pink colored her cheeks. She looked so beautiful in her sleep. She also looked beautiful when she was awake, when I could stare into her hypnotizing teal eyes. Her stubbornness, determination, bravery, and most of all her curiosity were some of the things I admired about her. If only she knew how to control it, maybe we could get along better.

     She shifted slightly and her loose waves covered her face. I sat down on the bed and brushed it away to reveal her face. She stirred and almost seemed like she was going to wake up, but she didn't and just placed her head on my lap. I laughed silently as I ran my hand through her fair and felt the soft, silky strands of her hair fall through my fingers.

     We stayed that way for a while until I decided that I shouldn't sleep on the bed next to her. Especially if she woke up and started screaming at my closeness. I gently lifted her head and set it down on the pillow.

     "Sweet dreams, Ash," I said and kissed her forehead before I walked over to my chair that was across from the bed and sat down. I just sat there watching her sleep before succumbing to the darkness closing in.

(End of Flashback)

     I shook my head and took my seat on my chair. I'd leave the bed or Ashlynn to sleep in one she went through her punishment, if she survives that is. If not, I'll have to get rid of it and change it for something different, that way I wouldn't have to remember her.

     I pulled out my pipe once more and used my magic to direct the sound of the pipe to play around Ashlynn from where I was. I didn't care if she couldn't hear the music yet; she would soon. I blew into it and played a haunting melody throughout the night and felt the magic from the pipe expand to everywhere in Neverland.

     Ashlynn wasn't going to like the rules of my game, but she would have to adjust. If she doesn't, more consequences will follow her. I would just have to make sure all the Lost Boys don't help her in any way in the morning. I'll make sure she loses one way or another. She'll depend on me, want me to help her if I have anything to do with it, and I will. What she doesn't know is that Peter Pan never fails.

A/N: So...what did you guys think of this chapter? I think it went pretty good, sorry it's short. I'll try to make the next ones longer.

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