Chapter 39: Confrontation

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(Ash's P.O.V.)

    I opened my eyes and just stared at the top of the tent that Rufio would have slept in. I was surprised I had even slept at all. Especially with everything that happened. Normally I was plagued by nightmares, but I never let Peter know. All they had ever been were flashes of events. Some were longer. More detailed. Like I was there. Never really paid any attention to them though. Just tried to forget about them. That seemed to be the best option. I didn't want to remember any of the nightmares.

     I pulled myself up into a sitting positing before standing up and quickly running my fingers through my tangled hair. It was doubtful that it actually looked nice, but it was the best I could do without a brush.

    I walked through the opening of the tent to see that all the others were gone. The entire camp was packed up it seemed. The fire pit at the center of the camp was gone. There was only ash from all of the fires we had held. None of the lost boys were even around. The entire camp was deserted. They wouldn't leave without me. Would they? No. What am I thinking? They wouldn't do that.

     "You're awake."

     I whipped around to see Peter standing behind me. His usual messy brown hair seemed more scruffier today. His emerald green eyes had black bags underneath them but had an emotionless look to them. He didn't even have his signature smirk plastered on his face. His lips were just set into a straight line. His stance was stiff, and he seemed slightly uncomfortable.

     "Yeah. Where are all the lost boys?"

     "They're setting up camp."

     "Why didn't no one wake me? I could have helped."

     "You're a Princess. You shouldn't be doing manual labor."

     "I'm not a Princess. I gave up that title when I chose to stay here. With the lost boys. With you." I went to place my hand on his cheek, but the moment my hand touched him he quickly recoiled a few steps away from me. I let my hand fall to my side as he stared into my eyes. "So, where is the new camp located?" I asked, slightly in shock.

    I didn't understand. What could possibly be wrong? Why was he acting this way? He had never acted his way towards me before. It's not like he could have found out that I had cheated on him with Rufio. Unless he did. No. That was impossible. He had believed in me over Clarion. Even though he probably shouldn't have. It was for the best though that he did. I didn't want to hurt him. Keeping it a secret was for the best.

     I should have been able to fight off the love potion. I should have known there was something wrong. But instead, I wasn't strong enough. I would have to live with it the rest of my life. And for as long as I was with Peter. He just could never find out. How would I even be able to explain it to him? I didn't think I could. It'd be too hard to stare into those eyes of his and tell him everything that had transpired that night.

    "You're not coming with us."

     I immediately snapped out of my own thoughts the second those words left his lips. How could I not go with them? Where else could I go? It's not like I was just going to stay here by myself. I had always stayed with the lost boys and Peter. Except for when they went to fight against the fairies and I had been kidnapped by Hook.

     "What? What do you mean I'm not coming?" I asked in disbelief. He had to be joking.

     "I made a decision that is in your best interests as is mine."

     "Do explain this decision of yours that I had no say in as to what my best interests are."

     "You can go, leave the island," he said. His gaze had flickered from the jungle to me. It was only when he said those six words that I had seen some emotion appear on his face.

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