Chapter 43: Queen Ashlynn

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A/N: Hey guys, so after this chapter there is only one left and then the sequel will begin shortly after I get it all set up. I want to thank you guys so much for reading. I really appreciate it. You guys are really awesome. Comment below telling me what you guys think will happen, what you guys want to happen. I'd love to hear from you.

(Ash's P.O.V.)

      "Hello Ashlynn."

      I turned around and smiled as Queen Annis walked up to me. She had several streaks of gray hair coursing through her curly, light brown hair that was pulled away from her face with a golden band around her head. She wore a long light brown dress with a white furry shawl over it. Her lips curved into a smile as she pulled me into a quick hug before pulling away.

      "Hello Annis. Thank you for coming."

      "Of course. I had to come and see you for myself. It's been a long time since I've seen you."

      "It has been a while."

      "How have you been since coming back from wherever it is you were?"

      "I've been fine. It's been stressful, but I've been getting past it," I confessed. "What about you?"

      "Fine. Your aunt hasn't come around if that's what you meant. Probably from my last encounter with her."

      "What do you mean?"

      She sighed. "Before your father and I became allies, he killed my husband, Caerleon. I had declared war on Camelot because of it. I had been blind by my grief over my husband. Your aunt, Morgana, came to me in the name of Gorlois asking for a pact for revenge against Arthur. I had agreed. When your father came to me, he asked to fight a single-combat to avoid a full-scale war. I went along with his request. The next day, I had found out your father was going to be the fighter and thought it was a trick, but Morgana assured me that he would rather put his life on the line than risk those of others. Once I had picked my fighter, Derian, Morgana told me that Arthur would not win for she had enchanted his sword. In the end, your father spared the life of my fighter. When I had asked him why, he told me that it isn't victory that he seeks, but peace. I in return told him that there was something about him, and that there was hope for all of us because of it.

      "Once I had returned to Caerleon, Morgana came to me alerting me that Artur would not be so fortunate next time. However, I refused to help Morgana any further, telling her that I had been blind by grief which had allowed your aunt to manipulate me. She called me weak for not wanting to have anything more to do with seeking revenge on Arthur. In response I told her that she is consumed by bitterness. It spreads within her like a disease. When she was about to leave, I called after her reminding her that she came into the name of Gorlois, but that she's more Uther than she realizes. She glared at me before leaving.

      "Three years passed and Arthur came to ask me for help. I told him that men were gathering in Ismere. Your father decided to go there to rescue his knights, but I insisted on having a feast. I called Merlin the 'kings fool' and questioned his abilities. He entertained us by juggling. Before your father left, I warned him that Morgana has been devoured by hate, and told him that good allies are hard to come by, I'd hate to lose one."

      "I will take the same warning that you told my father."

      "I know you will. Do keep in mind that if you do lose someone close to you, do not let your grief cloud your judgment like I did with mine. Stay strong. Be fair and just. I have no doubt that Morgana will come for you."

      I nodded, knowing what she said was true. The only question was when? The knights would be ready to take on her army, but I wasn't sure if I was. How could I beat her when she has magic? That she's a high priestess? The last high priestess to be exact. One who practiced in the Old Religion? She could easily kill me and take over the throne of Camelot with ease.

      Shaking my head clear of those thoughts, I glanced over behind Annis and saw a familiar patterned green shirt walk through the crowd of people. I was able to recognize the same chestnut brown, scruffy hair that I use to run my fingers through and those emerald green eyes that flashed over to me, but I looked away from him quickly for only a quick second. I still couldn't get over the fact that he was here. In Camelot.

      "Thank you for your advice, your Highness. I appreciate your wisdom as I know my father did."

      "If you need anything, all you need to do is ask."

      "There is one thing I've been contemplating. I fear that the people of Camelot won't be as accepting as I am of a law I want to pass."

      "What is it?"

      "I want to allow magic back into Camelot."

      I looked up at her as I took in the shock that flashed in her eyes as they widened slightly before she regained her composure.

      "Tell me. Why is it that you want to do this?"

      "I was around magic for the three years that I was away from Camelot. It wasn't evil. It didn't corrupt the very soul of the person who wielded it. I believe that magic can be used as a force for good. That is has always been good. It all just depends on what resides in the heart of the person who wields it. Many of the people who live in my kingdom could have magic and are too scared that they will be persecuted because of it. I don't want that. I don't want them to have to live in fear as much as I don't want anyone else to either," I explained.

      All she did was smile at me. "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told your father. There is something about you, Ashlynn Pendragon. Something which gives me hope for us all."

      I gasped slightly at what she said before she placed both hands on my shoulders.

      "I believe you to be just like your father. I believe you will bring prosperity to Camelot. You will bring hope for everyone, magic kind as well. Do not allow fear to conquer your actions, Ashlynn. If removing the ban on all those who use magic is what you wish, then do so. Most of all, go after that boy who has been starring at you for the past hour."

      "How did you-"

      "I'm not blind. I wish you well, Ashlynn Pendragon. May you reign your kingdom as the best Queen you can be."

      "Thank you."

      I gave her a quick hug before walking through the crowd of people that had came to see my crowning. Hopefully, Peter hadn't left already. I need to know why he came. What he was doing here. It didn't make any sense. Why would he come to Camelot to see me becoming Queen when he told me he would forget all about me? I thought he had forgotten all about me these past three years. I know I hadn't. I still thought about him, just not as much as I use to. I actually had thought I was getting over him, slowly, but I hadn't. Doubt I ever could. Especially when he just shows up all of a sudden.

      Once I got out of the throne room, I ran outside, holding my dress in my hands as I went. I pushed open the doors. Looking around, I let out a sigh of relief that none of the knights were around. I quickly went over to the gates that blocked off Camelot from the outside and pulled it open before sprinting as fast as I could under the gate.

      Turning around, I walked into the woods. I bent down and looked at the ground to see familiar foot prints heading straight forward towards a hill just a little ways in front of me. Standing back up, I headed over to the hill until I spotted Peter with his back turned to me.

      "Hello Peter."

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