Chapter 14: Nightmares

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(Ashlynn's P.O.V.)

     “You came,” I coughed out. My throat felt like there was something stuck.

     “You called,” Pan said, smiling at me as I moved to lay my head on his lap.

     “Thank you,” I murmured as a dark cloud of darkness beckoned, calling to me. I closed my eyes once more and saw many vibrant colors as I did. There were so many colors before it transformed into a castle that didn’t at all resemble my father’s.

     I grimaced at the musty smell and took in the dark, gray stone walls, torches were lit to give light through the endless hallways. I rubbed my arms as a cold chill rushed past me. I had never seen this place before in my entire life. It was different from my father’s. This place was deserted, at least I thought it was until I heard loud voices coming from down the hallway.

     I looked down to see I was in a long, pitch black dress with sheer long sleeves, diamonds laced the waist, knee-length black boots, and a black cloak encircled me. Glancing back up, I made my way over to the black stone door and pushed it open. A black throne with a red cushion was the first thing I saw upon my arrival. Sunlight shone through the sheer black curtains that were covered in spiderwebs. The black tile was cracked and crunched under every step I took.

     “Welcome, Ashlynn,” a cold voice said from behind me.

     I spinned around to see the door shutting behind me and to see a woman that was probably in her early-thirties, really curly dark brown almost black hair, gold eyes turning back to a familiar teal I recognized. She wore a long black dress with long see-through sleeves that draped down.

     “Who are you?” I asked cautiously.

     “I’m Morgana, rightful Queen of Camelot. You might know my brother, Arthur. Oh, Arthur, come on out!” She laughed wickedly as my father came out.

     I barely recognized him though. His familiar teal eyes were now bloody red. A dark smile was plastered across his face. His usual golden blond hair was dull with life. He wore black armor that I recognized from Morgana’s army.

     “Daddy?” I asked hesitantly. What was wrong with him. He would never join Morgana, it was unlike him. He would’ve rather fought to the death and died then join my aunt.

     “Hello, Ash,” he spoke as I ran towards him and hugged him, but he didn't hug me back. I pulled away from him and took in his emotionless face. I turned towards my aunt to see her smirking.

     “What did you do to my father?” I shouted as she laughed wickedly.

     “The Queen had nothing to do with this,” my father spoke darkly as I turned to look at him in horror.

     “Dad, she’s is not the Queen. You’re the ruler of Camelot. You’re the King.”

     “You will not disrespect the Queen.”

     I gasped as he grabbed my throat and pinned me to a poller. I reached up to my throat to claw at his hands, but they were covered by armor. I closed my eyes as he let me slip to the ground.

     I jumped up to a sitting position and looked around me to see I was back in Pan’s tent. It was just a dream. A really bad, awful, terrible dream that I hoped would never happen. It was too awful to imagine that happening in Camelot. To find out my aunt, the last high priestess in Camelot as Queen. There was no doubt that she would slaughter innocents as revenge against my father.

     I had heard the first time she had taken over Camelot that she had innocents killed to make my grandfather, Uther suffer because of all the people with magic who he had sentenced to death. That was before my father had became the King.

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