Chapter 13: Dark Hollow

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(Ashlynn’s P.O.V.)

     "You know what I think, Pan? Dream shade isn't the only thing that's poisonous on this island," I said and kneed him in the area I knew would cause him the most pain. I felt him crumble to the ground in agony. I bent down slowly and lifted his face up to my mine and smiled slightly. "You're the other thing that's poison. I refuse to be yours. If you think that kiss meant anything to me, you're wrong," I lied, letting go of him before kicking him in the gut to give me more time to escape as I sprinted into the trees.

     I dodged through trees and ran as far as I could before tripping over one of the tree roots and landed on my injured hand. I clenched my jaw in agony as tears ran down my face. They weren't from tripping though and hurting myself even more, but were from kissing Pan. Pan of all people! The one person on this whole island, except for Felix, who wanted to make my life a living hell on this island. I pulled my knees up to my chest and just let the tears fall at what I've done.

     I didn't only let him kiss me, but I kissed him back! He caused me nothing but pain, agony, anger, and grief. Yet there was also a spark that I felt when he kissed me, something that I've never felt before. It felt amazing, like pure bliss or the joy of finding your...true love. No, that was ridiculous. No way was Peter Pan, supposed king of Neverland, my true love. He couldn't be. I just have to remind myself of all the bad things he's done to me.

     He's had his Lost Boys knock me out and order to put me in a cage. He's refused to let me go home, multiple times. He didn't even show me that much of the island, so I wouldn't know where to go and be clueless. He has left me to survive out here on the island by myself with no clue where to go on this bloody island. He's kept me from getting out of here by keeping me from those two men who were probably long gone by now. And he has something apparently worse than what I'm going through now for my punishment.

     However, I couldn't deny the fact that probably had me knocked out to protect me, though I did doubt that. He's given me food and let me sleep in his tent. And despite the fact he barely showed me the island, he showed me Skull Rock which is apparently really important to him. He's warned me about dream shade and mermaids. And he's been keeping an eye on me, even though he's told me twice that he won't help me if I get into trouble.

     Why couldn't he make up his mind? It was like he consisted of two people, Peter and Pan. Peter was the one who was nice and left me alone to sleep. He gave me food and had that amazing smile that I seemed to love. He showed me a place that had meaning to him and has kept an eye on me. Yet, the nice Peter didn't get me riled up like Pan did, which is weird considering they are in a way the same person. But, the nice Peter rarely was ever there when he was around me.

     Then, there was Pan, the trickster and king of this island. He did everything to make my life here miserable. He's repeatedly threatened me and made it seem as if I belong to him. Yeah, right. He seems to like playing games with people, acting nice then turning into the cruel, manipulative person he is. He got under my skin like no one else has before, and as much as I hated admit it, he almost did have me wrapped around his finger. I felt a spark when it was him and me, and that kiss, had a raw passion to it as if he had been dying to do that for a while. Why when it came to him did I succumb so easily? I hated it and wished I didn't feel this way about him.

     I flinched as I saw lightning flash right in front of me and soon was bombarded by pellets of rain. I closed my eyes in shock before opening them to find my hair already drenched as well as my clothes. I pushed myself off the ground, wiping away any tears that were left, though it didn't matter with the stupid rain. Especially since I had a feeling my eyes were bloodshot from all the crying I did. I looked up into the sky to see it was only dark and stormy where I was, whereas every where else looked clear.

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