Chapter 19: "We can be your family"

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(Ashlynn’s P.O.V.)

     “Only certain people can hear it. People who feel unloved. People who feel lost. That’s the only magical property of this. You are a Lost Girl,” Pan said as I shook my head, not wanting to believe it.

     He was wrong. He had to be. I was not a Lost Girl. I wasn’t like the other boys. I had a family that cared for me, loved me, raised me. My father, Arthur; my mother, Guinevere; even my somewhat uncle, Merlin. Pan didn’t know what he was talking about. My father had to be looking for me. He told me he would. Pan was lying when he said my dad was dead. It wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be.

     “I will never be a Lost Girl, no matter what you say. Even if I can hear that stupid, bloody pipe of yours! I am nothing like your Lost Boys!”

     “You’re still a child. One that has been abandoned several times. Where is your so-called family now? Your mother knew what could happen outside of your kingdom’s gates, yet she took you regardless and ended up dying in the process. Your father headed out to battle, not knowing if he would survive, and he was murdered. I’m the only one whose ever stayed by your side!”

     “What are you talking about?”

     “I was with you after your mother passed away, when you visited in your dreams to the island, when I brought you to the island after you made your choice. I introduced you to fun games that a girl would enjoy, showed you off to the fairies and mermaids, showered you with gifts each and every day,” he said, approaching closer and closer as I met his gaze. “That is until you were taken away from me by your father. He found you and took you away, back to Camelot. The one place where you were miserable. Do you know what you told me as you were being dragged off towards their ship? You told me to find you and bring you back because you never wanted to leave. You wanted to stay on Neverland, forever. Your father had a sorcerer cast a spell to block me from you, so I watched over you from Neverland. Watching as you grew older, forgetting about Neverland, forgetting about me. I stopped, but always made sure that if you were ever in trouble, I’d know.”

     “You’re lying. I never came to Neverland. I never said anything about staying here with you forever back then. I’d remember if I said that!” I shouted.

     “Your father had some sorcerer place a spell on you that caused you to forget bits and pieces. Why do you think I offered you that deal to stay on Neverland forever with the me and the lost boys? It was because of what you told me so many years ago,” he pleaded, despair written in his eyes as if he truly wanted me to believe every word he was saying, but I couldn’t.

     “I don’t believe you.”

     “Why not?”

     “How can I when I don’t even remember this! You speak of memories I don’t recall. I somehow remembered you appearing in my bedroom during my mother’s funeral.”

     “You’re remembering,” he smiled, looking down as he seemed to be contemplating something.

     “What?” I asked, tilting my head sightly to get a better look at him.

     “The sorcerers magic is fading either because he stopped the spell, or Neverland’s magic is overriding it. Either way, you’re remembering. Slowly, but you’ll soon know everything.”

     “Maybe it was a good thing that my father did what he had to do to keep me from this island. From you. He saw the danger of me staying here as I do now. You have to let me go, despite whatever my supposed earlier wish was from when I was younger. I have to grow up and lead my kingdom.”

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