Chapter 36: Rescue

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(Peter's P.O.V.)

      I walked back into camp to see all my lost boys lying on the ground asleep. The fire from earlier was already dying down, and I didn't want to light it with my magic. What was the point? The boys would be waking up soon based on the magic hanging around the camp. A sleeping spell. However, soon wasn't soon enough. I snapped my fingers and imagined buckets of water being poured on them.

     I chuckled softly as they started sputtering and coughing up water before getting their weapons and standing up automatically. Their eyes turned feral as they looked around scanning their surroundings before several pairs of eyes landed on me. Felix was the last one to wake up, but he didn't do the same thing as all the others. He carefully got up, grabbing his club in the process.

     "What happened?" I shouted.

     All of the boys looked at each other in confusion trying to figure out how to explain to me why they were unconscious. They were trained better than to let someone get the drop on them.

     "I'm sure you already know the answer to that, Pan. So why don't you tell us what happened since we're all so clueless?" Felix spat out, clearly upset with himself since I had left the care of the camp in his hands before I left the party.

     "You let a group of pirates knock you out with a sleeping spell! I thought I taught you all better!" I yelled causing them to flinch and look down at the ground. "Where's Ashlynn?" I asked, taking a deep breath.

     "She's not with you?" Felix asked.

     "No. If she was, she would be standing next to me now wouldn't she?"

     "She's was kidnapped."

     I spun around to see Rufio coming out of the woods tossing a tranquilizer near my feet. His blond hair was dirtier then normal. His gray eyes were glowing just like they always did when he was pissed off and was about to snap by turning into a wolf. His hands were clenched into fists as he stormed towards me.

     "Where the hell were you? You should have been there! You should have sensed that those bloody pirates were by the camp! I know for a fact that you're not affected by magic like that, so where were you? Why didn't you save her?" Rufio shouted, pushing me back a couple of feet.

     I raised my hand and sent him flying into a tree. "Watch it, laddie or I'll have you thrown in a cage that you can't escape from with no food or water for the next several weeks."

     "Answer my question, Pan," Rufio growled.

     "How about you answer mine? Why were you with Ashlynn?" I asked to see him freeze up. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

     "I saw her leaving the camp and heading into the woods. I figured that I should follow her to keep an eye on her. She likes to get into a lot of trouble. I asked her what she was doing leaving the camp and then those guys showed up. They shot me with some sleeping drug and took her. I don't know where they went though."

     I smirked at him and saw him take a breath of relief. He thought I bought it when I didn't. I didn't believe a single word he said except for him being tranquilized and Ashlynn being kidnapped. He didn't have to know that though, but he would find out soon enough. Very soon.

     Shaking my head of my thoughts, I focused my magic on finding Ashlynn but was quickly snapped out of it as an ear-piercing scream filled the camp. I had to cover my ears but was the only one able to stay standing unlike the rest of the boys who fell to their knees, crying out in agony as they covered their ears with their hands. Pulling my hands away from my ears, I felt a tremble of magic flow within me as I sensed the location of the ship.

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