Chapter 27: Shadow

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(Peter’s P.O.V.)

     “Just remember to have faith and trust in the pixie dust and to believe. After that, you’ll do fine,” I said, staring in Ash’s beautiful teal eyes that were glowing from the rays of the sun that were able to pass through the leaves of the tree that’s branch we were standing on. Her long, wavy, brown hair was slightly tangled from flying, although I doubted she even noticed.

     “So, what’s your preferred method of getting to the camp this time? Walking, flying, or transporting?” she joked, smiling.

     I was about to answer when I felt a sudden tug of magic. My magic. The kind that both my shadow and I shared since we bonded a long time ago when I first set foot on Neverland’s soil after I gave up Rumple. I had been somewhat surprised that Ash had bought the act when I told her that I cared for Rumple when I didn’t. I never cared for him.

     He had ruined everything for me the day he had been born. I could still remember it. Seeing those big eyes of his that were filled with tears as one of my wife’s friends cleaned him up and covered him in a blanket. I think her name was Carmen, the woman who was nursing the boy. His mother, Andrea couldn’t. She had died giving birth to him. This boy that would destroy everything I could have done with my life. Ever since he had been born, my name had been tarnished because I had to buy him endless amounts of things and I had to result to tricking other people with a favorite card game of mine, Follow the lady. He ruined any chance I had at making my life better. He crushed any dream I could have had before he was born. Before I was forced to have to raise him until I could finally give him up. I was grateful when I was free of him for all these years.

     I had kept tabs on him though. Especially when I found out he was the Dark One when he came to rescue my grandson, Baelfire. He should have taken my deal back then. Maybe then Baelfire wouldn’t have came to Neverland after getting that magic bean and ending up in London, England where he had met Wendy Darling, and then ended up straight in Neverland. Which is where I had wanted him to be for a while, at least until now. Now, I wanted him gone. I’d even be find sending him straight back into Rumpelstiltskin’s arms since my son had been looking for his ever since he let him go.

     Maybe now my son would be more understanding of what I did when I traded him for youth after he traded his for the power of a dagger. To become the Dark One. To no longer be known as the village coward. To be feared. To have all that power. I would have been perfectly fine if he hadn’t become the Dark One though. It wouldn’t have given him a weapon to kill both himself and me if he even thought about killing me. Like that would happen. He wouldn’t have it in him. I knew that for sure. Because even with all that power, even if it was stripped away for even just a second, he would resume right back to being the village coward.

     He wouldn’t come to Neverland though. Not unless he wanted to face me and risk never finding his son again because if he had come here, I would make sure Baelfire was gone in a flash. Rumple would never know the location of him because only I would have that knowledge, and he’d be on his knees begging me to tell him where his son is. Oh, how I’d like to see that.

     “Peter, is everything okay?”

     I snapped out of my thoughts to see the confused look on Ash’s face as I smiled reassuringly at her.

     “Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”

     “You zoned out there for a minute.”

     “Sorry. I guess I was just so captivated by your beauty.”

     I smiled as she looked away from me. Her cheeks burning red as bit down slightly on her lower lip. She was even more gorgeous when she acted shy. I had no doubt she would have made an amazing Queen for Camelot. Her beauty was only enhanced by the determination she had when she tried to get her way, agreeing to compromise as long as she got close to what she wanted. Camelot would have been luck to have her. Only now, they never would. She was my Queen and always would be. I would do anything to protect her. She had become such a big part of my life.

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