Chapter 12: "I tried to warn you"

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(Ashlynn's P.O.V.)

     I sighed in disbelief at what I was doing. Waiting for Pan to show up and somehow get his interest back on me, so that Baelfire could work on our escape plan. An escape plan that seemed unlikely to happen. Even if I could somehow intrigue Pan, there was no guarantee he would use all his magic and focus it on me again. Especially after these people who came on the island.

     I would think that after him not sensing these people and needing one of his Lost Boys to tell him that he would be more hesitant on using his magic on me. Maybe then I could use the magic of this island to aid me. That would be plan B. Plan A was getting these people to help me off this island, but I couldn’t leave Baelfire. Maybe I could convince them to help me find Bae, so we could both get off this bloody island. All I had to do was find them.

     I stiffened at the sound of footsteps crunching on small rocks. I was scared of who might be behind me. It could be anyone. The men from the ship, the Lost Boys, or Pan. All I had to do was look, but fear kept me from doing so. Fear, which I hadn’t thought I would ever feel. Fear that I would come face to face with Pan. Fear that he would make my punishment worse. But there was also excitement at being able to finally escape this cursed place, to go home, to feel the comfort of my father, to be in my warm bed, to know that I can be free of the one that rules this island.

     Look. Just look. I thought and took a deep breath as I glanced behind me. Careful not to make any sudden movements just in case Pan or the Lost Boys were there. I really didn’t want to go through with Baelfire’s plan unless absolutely necessary. That was plan C. The most dangerous plan that I despised most of all.

     Taking a deep breath, I looked behind me to see two men. Two adults approaching a bush. The same bush I had almost touched just a few minutes ago. It’s long, sharp, poisonous thorns filled with death.

     The man with light-brown curly hair was the one who approached the bush. He wore a white shirt underneath a beige vest, white pants, and black sailor boots. He was one of the men from the ship.

     Behind him was a man with black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, a short, black beard covered his mouth. He wore the same thing as the man with brown hair.

     I looked away and sighed with relief. I was so close. I was almost free. All I had to do was tell them what I’ve been through. How Pan had tried to keep me from getting to them. How I had a friend here who also wanted to get off this bloody island. And I was going to until I heard the two men argue.

     “This is not what I signed up for!” the man with black hair said as I peeked from behind the huge boulder.

     “You signed up to listen to your king,” the man with brown hair replied.

     A king. They were sent by a king. Their king could help me get back to my kingdom if these men could not. How could I approach these two men when they were in a middle of an argument though? I didn’t want to disrupt, but I also wanted to get off this island.

     “Because I thought he was a man of honor.” The guy with black haired lifted one of his arms to emphasize his point.

     “He is!” the man with brown hair turned to look at the man with black.

     What on earth were they talking about? It wasn’t like they were sent here to find dream shade was it? No, of course not, what kind of king who had heard about it send his men to their death. It seemed ruthless. No king should ever send people to die on an island far from their home, from their loved ones.

     “If this is a poison, it won’t just end the war, it'll obliterate an entire race!” I stared at the black haired man in horror. Did their king not tell them about it, that it truly was a poison?

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