Chapter 3: Peter Pan's Camp

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(Ashlynn's P.O.V.)

     I stared at the spot that Peter Pan had stood before dissappearing. I knew he could fly, but I never imagined that he could transport. I wondered what else he could do that wasn't in the story.

     I couldn't get over the fact that the young boy had been the Peter Pan. I always imagined he was younger, and would carry an air of playfulness, fun, a cute smile on his face, and not at all like the Peter I met.

     The Peter I came across seemed to have a mischevious,  dark, wicked, playful sense. I did have to admit, however that his smile was one of the most sexiest things I've ever come across.

     Shaking my head, I took in my surroundings once more and decided I would just have to camp here. First, I would have to find some supplies on this probably large bloody island.

     I turned around and came to a sudden stop as I found another teenage boy in front of me. He had messy sandy blonde bangs that slightly covered part of his right eye, a scar ran over it, a knee length cloak covered his eyes and the rest of what he was wearing.

     I looked down to his hand to see a club resting in it. Looking back up, I knew based on his expression my eyes were raised in horror.

     I turned to run away but found myself surrounded with teenage boys and a couple younger ones, all with weapons, blocking me from escape. Spinning around towards the one with the club, he took off his hood and smiled at me.

     "Welcome to Neverland, Ashlynn," the boy said and a sudden blackness washed over me as I felt myself collapse to the ground.


     I groaned as I opened my eyes and found myself in a sitting position. My head felt as if I had slammed it against stone as it pounded, so it echoed. Looking around, I saw I was in a small, wooden cage with green vines and a boy guarding my cage.

     "Where am I?" I asked, hoping to get some answers. It was barely my first day and already it's not going well.

     "Don't say a word to the prisoner, only I am allowed to do so," the boy with the club said as he came up to my cage.

     "Who are you? And where am I?" I came as close as I could to the cage door.

     "I'm Felix, and you are in Pan's camp," Felix said before leaving me in shock.

     Why would Peter let the lost boys put me in a cage? If he really doesn't want girls on the island, he could have just sent me home. Home. I could go home. Reaching for the locket around my neck, I only felt my bareskin. This couldn't be happening. I needed that necklace if there was any chance of escaping if needed.

     I closed my eyes and leaned back, hoping I might get to talk to Peter and convince him to let me home. Maybe if I told him I wouldn't tell anybody what happened, he would let me go. It would be a long-shot, but I was determined to do anything, no longer wishing to be on this island that I though would be safe.

(Peter Pan's P.O.V.)

     I disappeared after introducing myself to the girl who showed up on my island. She certaintly is a beauty, but that wouldn't help her survive if she came in contact with the mermaids or anything else on my home.

     Girls weren't allowed on the island. They were always so whiny. I could barely stand them when they visited in their dreams. All they ever wanted when they came was for my lost boys to do the simplest of things for them. And I didn't tolerate any of it.

     The question on my mind was should I leave her to defend for herself or bring her to the camp, my camp.

     Walking into the opening, I knew what the answer would be.

     "Come on, boys!" I yelled, smiling when I heard the running footsteps fast approaching.

     I walked to the middle of the camp, where the fire pit was located, stones placed to keep the fire in one place. Turning around with a smirk on my face, the lost boys, and my right hand, Felix, stared at me, wondering why I called them.

     "I have a game for you boys. Find a girl with long, wavy brown hair on the beach. Knock her out and then put her in one of the cages. Whoever does this first will get a very special reward. Ready?" I asked.

     All of them cheered, except for Felix who never smiled or yelled unless I said so. "Let's play," I said, signalling them to start.

     Felix turned around to follow, but I stopped him. "The girls name is Ashlynn. Don't let anyone hurt her. I have some buissness I'll have to discuss with her." Felix nodded and took off, grabbing his club as he did so.

    I reached into my patchy green jacket and pulled out the scroll with a very special drawing. Opening it, I sighed wondering when the day would come when my plan could move forward.

     I took a deep breath and sprinkled some pixie dust before taking off into the sky and flying towards the one of two places that held an important significance.

A/N: Finally Peter Pans pov is here. What did you guys think? Will hopefully update tomorrow.

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