Chapter 2 Welcome to Neverland

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A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I'll try to post more often if I can. Its been really hectic with finals this week. so sorry for the wait!

I moaned as I lifted myself into a sitting position, taking in my surroundings as I noticed the clear, blue sky, the ocean going from light blue to dark, the waves rushing in and getting close to me, the feel of the grainy sand against my hands.

"What's a pretty girl, such as yourself doing here, love?" A voice spoke from behind me.

I jumped in surprise and turned around to look at the mysterious figure, thinking it was a man, only to find a teenage boy, who looked to be a few years older than me. His dark, messy brown hair looked as if he just rolled out of bed. Penetrating green eyes stared at me, a sense of curiosity hinting in them. A smirk was placed on his lips as he leaned against a palm tree with his arms crossed. An arrangement of green patterns were sewn together to make the shirt he wore, dark green pants, and black shoes.

"A shadow brought me here after I called out that I believed into the night time sky. Why do you ask?"

"I ask because girls aren't allowed on the island," he spat out as he walked closer to me and offered his hand out to me.

I glanced at his hand and to his eyes, hoping I could trust him as I took his hand and let him pull me up to my feet.

"This might sound stupid, but where am I?" I asked, thinking it was Neverland, but had to be positive I wasn't imagining it.

"What's your name?"

"Ashlynn," I smiled weakly at him as he took in what I told him.

He leaned in next to me, so only a few inches separated us. "Well, Ashlynn, welcome to Neverland!" He whispered ever so quietly into my ear that I felt goosebumps over my entire body.

He pulled back and dropped my hand before walking away from me and heading towards the trees.

"Wait!" I shouted after him before he left me on the beach to fend for myself.

"What?" he asked, turning around and raising his eyebrow.

"I told you my name, but you never told me yours," I inquired as he turned all the way around.

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" he paused, so I could nod slightly. "I'm Peter, Peter Pan," his eyebrows were raised as I gasped before he dissapeared into thin air.

A/N: Okay, I know its short, but I intend to make the next chapters longer, and possibly include Peter's side to the story.

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