Chapter 37: "Down Boy"

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(Peter's P.O.V.)

I threw Rufio off the ship and onto the sand. Once I was finished with him, I would keep my promise to Felix that he would get the burial he deserved. He'd probably look worse than he did before, but Felix wouldn't notice. I'd just explain to him that the knife had poison that had spread even after death and had caused all the injuries that I planned to inflict on him.

I transported down to the beach and tossed Rufio around some more. He would die soon enough. After I had my fun.

"Why are you doing this?" he coughed out, slowly getting up. Only to have to lean up against a tree I had thrown him up against.

"I gave you specific instructions that you weren't suppose to touch her."

"You told me to do whatever necessary to keep her in the cabin. I did that."

"By necessary, I didn't mean sleep with her!"

I glanced up at several vines wrapped up against the trees and had them tie up Rufio. Pulling his arms until they were certain to snap. I chuckled as he screamed in agony. I made thorns grow on the vines and draw blood all over his arms. I was positive some had dug deep enough into his veins.

"You're going to regret doing this Pan," he growled.

"Is that your best attempt at a threat? It's pathetic."

"Do you honestly think Ash will even want to be with you after she finds out about this? Not even my brother will be loyal to you anymore."

"They think you're already dead, laddie. You see, I gave Killian a poison that can make the person whose body was infected by it seem dead. Only when the weapon is removed does it stop. They won't blame me for this."

"You? You did all of this?"

"Of course. Who hell could pull this off but me."

"Why would you do this to Ash? Why would you put her into the hands of Hook? When did you even set any of this up?"

"You want to know why I did this to Ash? Why I included her in this plot of mine? Because even though she was put under a potion, she didn't have to screw you. Not unless she wanted it. Now as for why I put her into the hands of Hook and how I set all this up? I made a little deal with him. If he does what I ask, kidnapping Ashlynn at the party, holding her hostage, pretending that she would die, and later on doing any other deed I ask of him, I would give him what he needs to kill Rumpelstiltskin. I actually set all this up after I went to Clarion, and she showed me what transpired between the two of you."

I transported to the beach to see a familiar figure glaring at me. Perfect. This was absolutely perfect. Now all I had to do was offer up a deal, and I would get a yes. After all, Peter Pan never fails.

"Killian, its a pleasure to have you back on Neverland."

"I'm only here because you asked to meet me. Your messenger said you had a deal to propose." "Ah yes, the deal. I have a problem that I need dealt with. The brother of my second in command actually, Rufio. If you follow through with the plan I have already set up and agree to do whatever I ask after wards, then I'll give you what you need to kill Rumpelstiltskin once and for all."

"How do you know that?"

"I know everything. Like how he ripped out the heart of your beloved Milah and how he cut off your hand. You want revenge, and I gladly offer it to you. Just take my deal, Killian, and you will have it."

"What exactly do I have to do?"

"I'm having a party tonight at the camp to celebrate our victory over the fairies. There you'll see Ashlynn. She's a brunette with long, wavy hair, teal eyes, really tan like an Arabian princess. She's the Princess of Camelot.

"So when you see her, I want you to kidnap her. Take her aboard a ship that I will provide you so you don't have to worry about your own ship being ruined. When she wakes up, since you'll have to knock her out to get her on-board, you'll have a talk with her. Make her think that she's going to be used as bait in order for you to kill me. Make her think that's its because you blame me for your brother's death. Explain to her that it was either bait or a hefty reward from her Aunt Morgana who is Queen of Camelot and is searching for her. Get her to think that I was put under a sleeping spell along with the rest of the boys.

"Then when the Lost Boys come and attack your might want to choose those who have less value...I want you to have someone holding Ashlynn in place. Rufio, who will try to go after her first, you will have to hold with your hook on his neck. Then, you'll pull out a knife with this poison," I explained, pulling out a poison that would make someone seem dead when they weren't and handed it to him before continuing, "then you'll let him fall to the ground and use a different knife to stab Ashlynn through the stomach but don't kill her. I will send the man holding Ashlynn flying, and you'll take this magic bean to escape back to your ship. You'll be the only survivor. I'll take care of the rest." I pulled out the magic bean I stole from Ashlynn's necklace and handed it to Killian who gladly took it out of my hand.

"And I do this and all your other assignments, you'll tell me how to get rid of the Dark One."

"Yes. Deal?"


"You won't get away with this, Pan," Rufio growled, breaking through the vines. His gray eyes started to glow silver. He bared his teeth that soon lengthened into fangs. He started shaking until he leaped forward and turned into a wolf, but I sent him flying backwards.

I chuckled as he whimpered before getting back up onto his four paws. I pulled out my dagger and swung it around a couple of times. As he lunged for me, I stepped out of the way and slashed his face with my dagger. He slid to a stop and turned around to face me.

"Down boy," I said, sending him flying down to the ground as he turned back into a human and curled up into a little ball.

"Please, stop!" He shouted out, coughing up blood in the process on the sand.

I chuckled as I stopped in front of him with my dagger at the ready.

"I don't like people taking what is mine. A lesson you should have learned a long time ago, laddie. I should have let you die the minute you got scratched by Nirvana. You've always been a pain since day one. Now its time to undergo your punishment."

"All I have ever done is follow your orders!"

"If you had been following orders, you would have known that she was off limits."

"I showed her what she was missing out on because she chose to stay here with you! She deserves more than what you can offer her. You can't offer her a real family. She can never have kids. She can't be with someone who might actually care and protect her. You can't give her everything!"

"Time to die, laddie," I hissed, aiming and throwing my knife into his heart.

He met my gaze, and I watched as the silver disappeared and was replaced by a glassy look. He was covered in blood and sand. He was covered with pitch black lines from the dream shade I had tipped my dagger in before I joined the boys on the ship.

"Goodbye, Rufio," I spat, yanking out my dagger and putting it back into its sheath. "Now just to see how Ashlynn really reacts when she she's given alone time with you."

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