Chapter 11: "Are you two lost?"

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(Peter Pan's P.O.V.)

     I looked up from the drawing of the Heart of the Truest Believer when I heard footsteps approaching. I saw Felix pushing past some of the Lost Boys before stopping in the dead center of the camp. I placed teh parchment back in my shirt before walking over to him.

     "What? I know that look. What happened?" I asked.

     "A ship. There are people on Neverland, Pan. I saw two men rowing to shore on my way here," Felix quietly said, so only I could hear.

     "The girl?"

     "I knocked her out before she could escape. Baelfire's watching her."

     "Well then, it looks like I better greet our guests." I smirked wickedly at him and he did as well.

     "It'll help if you don't focus all your magic on the girl. Everyone can feel it within a mile radius of her."

     "I wasn't planning on doing that when I have guests to attend to. Keep order in the camp, and keep an eye on Baelfire," I said before teleporting myself to the cliff above the trees as the two men arrived on the shore.

     I saw a man with black hair pulled back in a ponytail step off their small boat first and was soon followed by the second man, this one with dark brown hair. They both wore matching outfits. A white shirt underneath their long dark blue coats with white pants and black sailor boots. 

     I eyed the man with brown hair and saw him pick something up out from the boat before walking over to the man with black hair. I waved my hand, using magic to understand what they were saying.

     "What exactly does the king hope to find on this island?" The man with black hair asked.  In response, I saw the brown haired show him the paper from the boat.

     "A plant? We journied accross the realms for a plant," the man with black hair said in disbelief to which I laughed. Though it did catch my interest.

     "Our sources say it's magical. Potent enough to heal any injury."

     "So we never have to bury another sailor at sea again." I rolled my eyes as I ran through all the plants on Neverland through my mind. I got rid of the spell and transported behind them.

     "Now you understand the importance of our mission."

     "Are you lost?" I asked as they withdrew their swords and pointed them at me, "You look lost to me."

     "Identify yourself, boy," the man with brown hair ordered.

     "I'm Peter Pan. I live here. Who are you?" I asked curiously.

     "I'm Captain Jones," the man with brown hair said as he put his sword away. "and my Lieutenent. We're here by order of the king."

     I glanced at the Lieutenent to see him withdrawing his sword before looking over at the Captain. "The king, huh? We don't have any kings in Neverland. Just me." I smirked at them.

     "That's funny," the Captain said before continuing, "We seek this plant. Now, tell us boy, where can we find it."

      I laughed silently to myself as I reached out to take the drawing of a very special plant. "Your king sent you for this plant?"

     "You know it?"

    "Dreamshade. It's the deadliest plant on the island. Your king is really ruthless," I stated, the drawing of the plant by my side.

     "Nonsense," the Captain stated in disbelief at what I've told him.

     "It's medicine," the Lieutenent said. This truly was hilarious. They thought it was medicine when it was anything but that.

      "It's doom," I stated, staring straight at the Lieutenent. "Why fight a messy battle when you can kill an entire army with the sap of one plant,"  I exaggerated a tiny bit.

     I smiled at the Lieutenent as he exchanged words with the Captain. Probably about what I told them. New information to help them on their journey for the deadliest plant I've ever found here on my time in Neverland, and it's been a very long time.

     "This boy is playing games with us, and I'm quickly tiring of them," the Captain said as he snatched his drawing from my hands. "Come. We should keep moving." He then started to walk away from me as I stared daggers at his back.

     I thought the Captain would have been more cautious of going after the dreamshade after what I've told him. Seems he's just an ignorant, stupid, Captain who only knows orders from the ruthless king that sent them to their deaths.

     I looked over at the Lieutenent to see him hesitate before following his Captain in search of the dreamshade.

     "Don't say I didn't warn you!" I yelled and brought up my left arm to wave ever so slightly.

     I looked down and decided I'd show them the way. I'd be nice today for these gentlemen. If they wanted to find dreamshade for their king, then they would get it.  They knew the consequence of dreamshade.  It would be their choice, however they used it.

     "I'll show you men the way. I've lived on this island for a long time," I called out and appeared in front of the Captain to see him jump back. I chuckled quietly under my breath as the Lieutenent stood beside the Captain.

     "Lead the way then, boy." I rolled my eyes before leading them up the hills and through the trees before reaching the stone path that led up to the dreamshade bushes and the spring that could cure any injury if you drink directly from the spring.

     "Up there is where you'll find the dreamshade. I must warn you though, not to cut yourself on it. What I've told you is true, don't disregard it," I said, staring straight into the eyes of the Captain. 

     I knew if it was between those two men to prove whether or not I could be trusted by cutting themselves on the dreamshade. It would be the Captain. He seemed so determined to prove that it was indeed a cure for any ill. Oh, how wrong he was. So sad my warnings were all for nothing.

     I stepped out of the way as the two men walked up the stairs. I would join them soon enough. I'd just have to keep an ear out for them in trouble. There was no doubt in my mind that they would be. I smirked at them as they walked up the stairs and headed off to see the dreamshade.

A/N: Okay, so I decided to update twice today. I might again later, it depends. Hope you guys liked this chapter and Happy Holidays again! :)

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