Chapter 15: "It's the game!"

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(Ashlynn's P.O.V.)

     Pan had been a little too nice yesterday.  I had figured he would have wanted to put me through the next stage of my "punishment", yet he let me rest all day.  Even the Lost Boys had been nice to me, which was a little strange.  I hadn't seen Baelfire around though, mostly due to the fact that Pan rarely ever let me leave his tent.  And when he did, he was always by my side. He refused to leave me by myself.

     Even Felix was nicer to me.  It was kind of amazing how kind he could be.  He was the one who helped get Pan off my back and to stop constantly looking over my shoulder to see what I was doing.  He stayed distant though, rarely ever talking to me.  He brought me food and sometimes was able to sneak me out of the camp without Pan noticing. I had the feeling though that Pan was watching me even with Felix at my side.

     I looked up from the ground to see some of the Lost Boys walk into the camp with their weapons and circle around me. Each of them looked emotionless as Felix parted thorugh them and stood in front of me.  His club was at his side as he offered his hand towards me.

     "Come on, we have to go," he said as I hesitantly took his hand and was pulled to my feet.

     "Where are we going?" I asked.

     "Pan has a new game for you to play."

     I was pretty sure my eyes widened in shock as he dragged me through the other Lost Boys and towards the training center.  Felix dug his nails into my skin as we approached the big clearing with chains, ropes, piles of dreamshade, and more weapons lined the area. I jerked my arm away from Felix and walked backwards until I bumped into someone.  I turned around to see Pan.

     "You could have told me what you planned today, Pan," I growled softly, gazing into his eyes.

     "Now where's the fun in that?" He said before grabbing my arm and dragging me over to a tree where he used his stupid magic to tie me to it with the rope that had been on the ground.

     "Is this really necessary?" I asked as he placed an apple on the top of my head.

     "It's part of your punishment.  This is only part one.  I call it target practice." He smiled at me before walking away as the Lost Boys dipped their weapons in the dream shade ink.

     I squirmed a little bit under the chain, making the apple fall off my head as the boys lined up.  I noticed it went from youngest to oldest.  Just my luck as I saw Felix at the end with a deadly looking knife that gleamed in the little light that passed through the trees.  I scanned all the boys faces to look for Baelfire but couldn't see him.  He couldn't have left Neverland.  He had told me we would get out of this place together. He wouldn't just leave me behind, would he?

     "Alright boys, let the fun begin!" Pan shouted as I met his gaze and saw a sad smile on his face. 

     It seemed as if he regretted having me go through this punishment of his, but I doubted it.  He was probably acting.  If he didn't really want me to get hurt, he could have stopped all of this.  I was pretty sure my trip to Dark Hollow was worse than anything Pan could put me through.  Afterall, I did almost die at the hands of his shadow.

     I tore my gaze away from his and stared into the ones of the first Lost Boy.  He looked around the age of eight.  Short, messy black hair, chubby face, huge brown eyes, lips were set in a straight line as he pulled the arrow back and let if fly at me.  I gasped as it ended up a few inches away from my head.  I thought they weren't going to try and kill me if this was only part one of my stupid punishment Pan insisted on me going through.

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