Chapter 1: The Story Book

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                                                   Chapter 1: The Story Book                                                                  

     "Everything will be alright Ashlyn, I promise.  All you have to do is throw this magic bean in water and it'll create a portal and you have to step through it and think of this place called the Enchanted Forest.  Once you get there, you need to find a woman named Belle, tell her I sent you, be sure to mention my name.  She'll take care of you until it's safe for you to return," my father, Arthur, the king of Camelot told me as I took in his sandy blonde hair, teal colored eyes, his sharp rough features, dressed in the silver amror with the Pendragon crest.

     "H-how will I know when it'll be safe to come back?" I was crying my eyes out as I stared into my fathers. 

      "I'll send some of the guards to bring you back. I don't know how long it will take till Morgana is defeated, but I promise on my life that I will fight till my last breath for you to come home." He brushed away the stray wavy brunette hair I inherited from my mother from my face.

      "Sire, they are almost here," one of the guards said as my father stepped back away from me.

     "Remember what I told you Ashlyn, stay safe my daughter," he said before walking out of my room and locking it, giving me time to escape incase my aunt's army tried to get to me.

     Walking over to my mirror I stared at my reflection and took in my brunette hair that I despised so much because it reminded me of my mother and the teal eyes that I inhertited from my father. Glancing up upve my mirror, I pulled out a large brown book and flipped open the cover to see tons of fairytale stories.

      "How did I never notice this was here?" I asked myself, going to turn to the next page when the pages started flipping by themselves unitl it landed on a certain story that I recognized quite well.  The story of Peter Pan.

      "Magic. Fairies. Mermaids. The famous Lost Boys. A magical place where you could never age called Neverland.  A shadow that will take you to this magical place if you say the words 'I believe'." I closed the book and grabbed a locket my mother gave me when I was younger and placed the bean inside before going over to the window and opening it.

      "Please, please work," I silently begged out loud as I saw Morgana's army already trying to break down the gate and my father shouting orders. "I believe." I closed my eyes as a rush of cold air surrounded me.

      Looking up I stared into blazing white eyes and a shadow hand reaching out for my hand. Taking a deep breath I put my hand in the shadows as he took off flying with me staring down at the chaos happening to my home.

     "Oh God, please don't let me fall," I whispered as we headed to two stars in the far distance before I closed my eyes and hoped this would be all over soon.


       I knew the shadow let go of me once I submerged under the freezing water.  I came up gasping and started swimming as fast as I could before getting sick from the water even though I had absolutely no clue where land was. 

      Once I was able to touch ground, I knew I was on shore before I collapsed to my knees and then to my back as I took deep breaths.  Pulling my knees close to my body, I did the best to stay warm even though it didn't help that my dark blue dress was soaked and I had nothing to change in to. Closing my eyes, I succumbed to the burning desire to sleep.

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