Chapter 10: Baelfire

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A/N: I'm kind of changing the story line that was set for the show a tiny bit between Baelfire, the Lost Boys, and Peter Pan. Also, Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Hope you guys have a good time today! The picture on the side there -----> is of Ashlynn. Now I know the actress I chose is a lot older than the age I have set for Ashlynn, but I couldn't find a good quality picture of Taylor Cole when she was younger, so this will have to do. Obviously, feel free to imagine Ashlynn as whoever pops up in your own mind. This is just how she pops up in my head.

(Ashlynn's P.O.V.)

I sat up really quickly after hearing a loud noise. What on earth was that noise? I was about to stand up when the noise, that sounded like a horn of somekind startled me and I started to fall out of the tree. I screamed as I fell and cringed when I hit the ground. I'm most definitely an idiot if some thing like whatever woke me up could startle me.

I slightly moved and felt pain all over my entire body. It felt as if everything was broken, so shouldn't I be dead especially from that fall. I was really high up in that tree which was pretty amazing. I closed my eyes and hoped that whatever was out there would just ignore me.

"Time to get up sunshine, you're in for a long, painful, miserable day," a familiar voice said. His voice seemed to be only a couple feet away. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to clear my foggy vision to see Felix with a...trumpet? A trumpet is what woke me up? Where the hell did he get a stupid trumpet? And doesn't he know that you're not suppose to do that to someone who's sleeping in a tree? Obviously not, considering he does seem to be an idiot.

"You do know that you're not suppose to play a stupid, loud instrument around someone whose sleeping in a tree!" I exclaimed, voicing my thoughts. I tried to pull myself into a sitting position, but failed to do that and just laid down.

"Come on, Princess, I know it feels as if everything is broken. A Lost Boy a long time ago had the same thing happen to him, he just felt like everything was broken. Which is weird considering he's younger than you, and he was able to get up. Yet, here you are, you can't even handle pain. It's a wonder you haven't been eaten by the creatures that roam out here at night."

I glared at him as I turned around and pulled myself to my knees. "Don't ever tell me that I can't do something. Because I promise you, I'll prove you wrong," I said and stood up. Only to have to catch onto Felix having going off balance. I immediately recoiled away from him as he glared at me.

"Good to know," he muttered under his breath, but I could still hear him.

"You can go now. Be sure to tell Pan I appreciate the welcome call," I said and turned away from him before slowly walking farther into the trees.

I slowed down as I heard footsteps follow behind me. Spinning around, I came face to face with Felix, the trumpet now missing.

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms. I was definitely going to be sore for a long time.

"Please, carry on with your...stroll."

"Go. Away!"

"Not a chance. Just think of me as a guard, just one that won't protect you," he said and flashed a wicked smile at me.

"You're here to make my day a living hell aren't you? No, don't answer that. I already know the stupid answer," I said and turned back around as I walked farther until I smelt an ocean breeze and knew I was somewhat close to the beach.

I walked over to a cliff and looked out into the ocean. The colors of the ocean changing from light blue to dark. I glanced over a large figure and then back to it. A ship! It was a ship! I froze as I felt Felix stand next to me. Glancing at him, he seemed entranced by the ocean, so I slowly backed away.

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