Chapter 33: Campfire

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A/N: Hey guys! I am so sorry that I have not updated in what feels like forever. I have been so busy lately. I literally had a choir concert just a couple weeks ago, I just finished softball, school is just crazy especially with finals coming up soon. Everything's just crazy.

I apologize if the chapter is crappy. I really just wanted to get something updated, and hopefully when I go back and re-edit everything it'll be a lot better!

Thank you guys so much for reading. 14k is really awesome! I honestly never thought I would even remotely get that far, so thank you guys so much! You guys are the best readers I could ever ask for.

Okay, I've rambled on for long enough. Hope you guys like this chapter. And, okay, I'm rambling again...but in the last chapter I had a poll kind of for who you guys liked better...Peter...or...Rufio. I will keep that poll running until Chapter 35 or 36. So keep voting. Let me know what you guys think will happen. Who you think is the mysterious figure/person in this chapter and from the ending of the last chapter. What you think will happen between Ash and Peter. Okay, that's enough rambling. Enjoy!

(Ash's P.O.V.)

I watched as Peter left the tent thinking that if he ever found out about what happened between Rufio and me, he would hate me forever. Then he would probably actually want to send me back to Camelot for cheating on him. It was kind of funny how before I use to want to go back, and now, all I wanted to do was stay in Neverland.

I didn't want to leave Neverland. This whole entire island had become my home. Everything felt right when I was here. With the lost boys. Felix. And more importantly, Peter.

I love him, more than anything. And yet, I still couldn't fight off the effects of that potion. I should have been strong enough. But I wasn't. And I would regret that forever.

"I see you're still awake. Thought you would have been sleeping."

I jumped slightly before looking up to see Felix walk into the tent. His blond hair was peeking out from the hood of the brown cloak, and his gray eyes were bearing into mine. It was strange not seeing him with his club in hand since thats all I've ever seen him with.

"I guess I wasn't that tired."

"I'd advise you to get some rest. You're going to need it because when we win a battle, we celebrate. And it's not like any campfire you've ever experienced," he warned.

"I appreciate the warning, Felix, but I'll be fine."

"You sure? Everyone's going to be there."

"I don't see why the lost boys wouldn't be there celebrating their victory."

"By everyone, I also mean Rufio will be there."

"I thought he wasn't suppose to be in the camp."

"Pan is testing him. As long as he keeps his cool, Rufio might be allowed back into the camp for good."

"That's great!" I smiled weakly at how happy Felix looked at the idea of being able to be around his brother more. A joyous moment for him and a dreadful one for me.

There was no way I'd be able to stay by Peter constantly if he keeps running around the island if Rufio was around more often. I wouldn't be able to avoid him when all the other boys went hunting.

"The party is going to start soon, you might want to claim a spot before the boys do."

I nodded and followed him out of the tent, only separating from him when I found a open spot away from some of the other boys who were sharpening some of their weapons. They glanced up at me before returning their gaze back to their weapons.

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