Chapter 41: Enchanted Forest

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(Peter's P.O.V.)

    I watched the several boys I had lulled from their homes start to dance around the bonfire, every few minutes more showing up. They followed the routine of the others. They grabbed an animal mask, some musical instruments, starting going in a circle while whooping like crazy as I played my pan flute.

     I needed lost boys that didn't know Ashlynn to help catch some food since all the others were slacking around. I couldn't put them all in a cage, especially tighter. They would just come up with a plan to escape, and I couldn't have that. Everywhere I went, they were moping about the camp. Every time they saw me they asked if I knew where Ashlynn went. What did they not get when I told them repeatedly that she wasn't coming back. She left.

    I couldn't escape her. I should have sent her back home the minute she came to Neverland. The lost boys never would have gotten close to her and wouldn't have even cared if she was gone. They probably would have wanted to celebrate that a girl was no longer in the camp. We could do whatever we wanted. Instead, she had became friends with the lost boys. I had foolishly let her get close to them when I shouldn't have. I should have kept her far away from them.

     I shouldn't have even gotten close to her. All I could ever think about was her. I couldn't stop. Not even when I tried to think of something that was necessary on the island. My thoughts always led back to her. No matter what I did. Always to her.

     Not even playing my flute helped! And I had been playing it constantly, hoping that I would finally stop thinking about her. I needed to forget about her.

    No you don't. That's why you can't stop thinking about her. You still love her.

     Shut up!

     It had been torture with that annoying voice constantly yapping in my head. Always repeating the same bloody thing.

     It had gotten so bad that once I realized the boys were just slacking I had just stayed in my tent for several weeks already. Ten weeks to be exact. This was the first time I had set foot out of my tent. Out of Neverland.

     Felix had been the one who had suggested that I go out and recruit more boys to help him out while hunting. He was the only one not moping about. He told me that he would take care of the camp while I was gone and would snap the boys out of their moping by the time I returned. I would have figured that he would have been mourning still. When I had asked, all he respond was that he would kill Hook when he got the chance, and that it would be on our territory when he did.

    He would blame Hook for the rest of his time on Neverland. That I was sure of. Hook had "taken his brother away from him." When really, I had been the one to do the deed. I murdered his brother and enjoyed every minute of it.

    Felix would never know. He wouldn't even think that I had anything to do with it. I had made sure of it. When he had asked me how Rufio had gotten that bad after seeing him, I had responded telling him it was a type of poison that spread everywhere in the body until he was dead. I had told him that it caused all sorts of bruises, black veins, cuts, so he wouldn't get suspicious. And he didn't, wasn't, and never would be. No one would know the main cause of Rufio's death. Not even Hook knew, he just thought that he had killed Rufio himself, thinking I had given him a blade dipped in dream shade. And he couldn't tell anyone it was me since I had place a small spell on him to keep him from revealing that I had done anything.

     I pulled away the flute from my mouth, letting the hand holding on to it fall to my side. I checked out all the boys that had shown up. Several were tall. Some were short. Several were really slim whereas a few were muscular. Felix would probably take the ones that were muscular. He hated all those who couldn't keep up with him. I smirked under the hood of my brown patterned cloak as they kept dancing. Not even noticing that I had stopped playing. All they could hear was the sound of my music playing over and over again. Soon they would join their new family and leave their old lives behind. There would be no coming back.

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