Chapter 7: "No one gets off this island without my permission"

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(Peter Pan's P.O.V.)

     How dare she try to steal from me. Did she not understand when I repeatedly tell her that I know everything that occurs on this island that I mean it. What did she not get about it. I knew I had scared her when she realized what I did, and soon she would pay the consequences for stealing. 

     I shook my head, angry at myself. I never should have made that deal with her. I should have just sent her home. Wiped her memory or have the Lost Boys do whatever they wanted. But I couldn't, she got under my skin even when she didn't know it, and it was hard not to show it. Otherwise she would use that weakness against me. And I couldn't show weakness. It would say I'm weak, and I was not weak.

     "Shadow!" I called and turned around once I felt the chill in the air. "I need you to hide the scroll while I deal with our guest."

     "It would be best to just get rid of the girl, Pan.  Remember what I told you a few hours ago," the shadow's deep voice said, but I ignored him.

     "I will deal with her the way I see fit. Now hide this in your place, and don't let anything find it." I handed him the scroll, knowing he would hide it in Dark Hollow.  His home on the island, where people's shadows who died on the island lived.

     "As you wish Pan," the shadow said before flying off into the distant.

     "Pan!" The familiar voice of Ashlynn echoed throughout the trees as she drew closer to where I was.

     I rolled my eyes and turned back around.  I didn't have time for this right now.  Maybe a night by herself would get to her.  Yes, that would work just fine, and then she would endure her real punishment.  I started walking and heard the crack of fallen twigs as she finally found me.

     "Hey! Why didn't you respond?" She called out, but I pretended I couldn't hear a single word. "Really? The silent treatment?"

      I felt her grab by arm, so I stopped.. I turned to look at her and pulled my arm away from her weak grip.

     "What?" I growled, taking her by surprise.

     I waited for her to speak, but she didn't.  She just stared at me as if she didn't remember what she went after me for.  I shook my head and turned back around, but she reached out to stop me.

     "Stop! Please. I just want to go back home. I don't belong here on Neverland. I thought I would, but I know now tthat I don't.  I promise you, on my life, that I won't tell anyone what has occured here.  I won't tell anyone about you or the Lost Boys.  Just, please, let me go home," she begged.

     Turning back around, I stared into her glowing teal eyes. "I'm pretty sure we've already discussed this, and my answer is no."

     "We haven't discussed anything. I would have said yes to anything to get out of that cage! Can't you see that I belong in Camelot!"

     "You are the one who  made the choice when you whispered those two little words to come here. You took my deal to stay here. I told you specifically that you would have to stay here forever. It was your choice. You could have easily took that magic bean and gone to the Enchanted Forest when you had the chance, but instead you came to Neverland. And because of your choice, you now belong to me."

     "I'm not an object for you to take possession of!" She yeled. Her eyes blazing in anger. Her small hands clenched in fists as if she was trying really hard to control that blazing fire within her.

     "Anything on this island belongs to me.  Last time I checked, you are on my island; therefore, you belong to me, love. There is no way around it.  You better get use to staying here."

     "I won't stay here forever," she warned.

     "Was that a threat?" I smiled wickedly at her. "The only way you're going to get off this island is if I let you go.  No one gets off this island without my permission." She took a couple steps back.

     "You're definetely nothing like in the story."

     "Of course not, I'm better." I smirked.

     "Why are you like this? I thought you were supoose to be fun and nice."

     "Let's make it a game. A puzzle to solve.  If you figure it out, I'll give you a reward of something. But it won't be a way off the island.  That's off the table."

     "You're a monster!"

      "I believe you already said that," I said as she punched me.

      I growled slightly before looking at her to see she was scared as she backed away from me.  I looked down at her hands to see she was clutching her right hand.

      "You really shouldn't have done that," I wanred as she took off running through the trees. I touched my jaw and used my magic to get rid of the pain. As soon as I did,  I teleported myself behind her and grabbed her before pinning her agaisnt one of the trees that we were near.

     "Let me go!" she screamed, trying to kick me, but I stopped her by freezing her legs in place.

     "Who would have thought that the Princess of Camelot knew how to punch someone."

     "I hate you!" She yelled at me.

     "You hate me now, but let's see how you do on your own on the island.  No one to protect you, to keep you safe, not knowing the island, not knowing what dreamshade looks like. Not knowing where the spring is at, no one to protect you from the Lost Boys thinking you're prey, or a new game. Oh, I'd like to see that. See how well you do on this island without me. Because by the end of this game, you're going to wish you hadn't got on my bad side. If you do get hurt, I won't come and help you, and netiher will anyone else," I pulled away from her and undid my magic which made her fall and cry out in pain after landing on her injured hand.

     "Please, don't do this," she begged as I bent down lifting her face up to meet mine.

     "This is all your doing, but don't worry. If you do survive, your punishment will be far from over. I can promise you that, and don't forget, I always keep my promises.  The next part of your punishment will be far worse than this.  Goodbye Ashlynn," I said and teleported myself back to camp, leaving her alone by herself.

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