Chapter 4: Deal with the Devil

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     (Ashlynn's P.O.V.)

          "Let me talk to Peter! He'll tell you to let me out once I speak with him!" I called out to Felix who was sharpening a stick and had been ignoring me for the past few minutes.  "Let me out!"

     "Shut up!" He yelled before throwing the stick down to the ground and walking towards me with a sharp kinife in his hand.  I backed away as far as I could as he stuck his knife through the bars as if he was going to stab me. 

     "Just let me out.  This is a huge misunderstanding. If I can just talk to Peter-"

     "Who do you think ordered us to lock you in here?" Felix cut me off.  His eyes blazing in rage before pulling out the knife from the bars.  "And don't call him by his first name. Call him Pan."

     "Why? If he doesn't want me here, I'll willingly go back home."

     "I don't know why Pan wants you.  But if he wants you, he will have you. No one will stop him from what he wants.  Pan won't let you leave.  You've gotten his interest, and now you're going to pay for doing so. Now shut up before I do something far more painful than being locked in one of the cages," he warned before another lost boy came to relieve him of his duty.

     "Answer one question for me. Where is my locket?" I called out before he dissapeared into the trees.

     "Pan has it, and there's no way you'll get it back," his head turned slightly as he answered before leaving.

     I leaned my head back against the cage.  Why didn't I just listen to my father and follow his instructions to find a woman named Belle.  Certaintly living with her was better than living in a small box.  Once I got back, if I got back, the story of Peter Pan would have to be rewritten to warn others about this dreaded place.

     I sighed as my stomach growled in hunger.  No one had fed me anything since I woke up from being knocked out the previous day.  And I highly doubted they would share their food with me. Only the older boys, the loyal ones, had been guarding me all day.  Every once in a while switching off with one another to do who knows what.

     A shrill whistle filled the air the lost boy guarding me looked torn before taking off towards the sound. I took a deep breath and silently growled not finding anything to help pick the lock on this bloody cage.

     "Hello, love," the familiar voice of the infamouse Peter Pan said and I looked through the bars to see him walking towards the cage he ordered me to be put in.

     "What do you want?" I questioned as he appeared in front of me.

     "You. You interest me.  There's something about you, but what interested me the most was what I found in this locket of yours." He pulled out my silver locket and pulled out the magic bean my father gave me.

     I reached through the bars as best as I could to grab the bean, but he pulled it away from me and laughed.

     "Did you really think it would be that easy?" He sneered.

     "Just give me the bean and the locket and I'll leave Neverland. I promise you I won't come back. I won't tell anyone what happned here. I'll lie, just please let me go," I begged.

     "Now why would I do that, Princess?" I felt my jaw drop in shock. I never told him that. He shouldn't have known that. "What? You didn't think I wouldn't figure it out. I know everything that happens on this Island. I know about you, Princess Ashlynn of Camelot. It's an honor to have a princess visit."

     "When do I get to meet the king of the island?" I asked. I had my doubts that a boy ran the island. There had to be a king or queen. There was always a king or queen.

     "We don't have any kings in Neverland. Just me." He smiled that bloody smiled I found so freaking adorable.

     "Please, Peter,  I'm beggin you. Let me go."

     "Here's the thing, I'm not quite done with you," he shook his head. "how about we make a deal? What do ya say?"

     "And what is this deal of yours?" I asked, pretending not to be interested, even though it intriqued my interest.

     "I'll let you out of your cage and give you back your locket, except for the bean if you stay on Neverland with me and the lost boys, forever." My eyes widened in shock as his proposition.

(Peter Pan's P.O.V.)

     "I'll let you out of your cage and give you back your locket, except for the bean if you stay on Neverland with me and the lost boys, forever," I said and saw her eyes widen.

     "And if I say no?"

     "You have to stay anyways, but you'll stay in the cage if you don't except my deal," I gave her my signature smirk.

     "Do you promise you'll give me back my locket?" Her beautiful teal eyes stared at me through the bars of the cage I ordered the lost boys to put her in. She looked so vulnerable in that cage. Almost made me feel bad for her, but that feeling quickly left.

     "I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises," I said and she reached her hand out of the cage. "We have a deal?" She nodded and I shook her hand.

     Dropping her hand, I took off the lock on the cage and opened it. I offered my hand to her and waited for her to take it. She soon did, and I pulled her out only having to catch her when she almost collapsed.

     "Careful there princess, we don't need you falling and hurting yourself." I chuckled and lifted her to her feet. Pulling out her silver locket, I unclapsed it and placed it around her neck. Lifiting her hair and dropping it so it framed her heart-shaped face.

     "Why do you want me to stay? I thought girls weren't allowed on Neverland?" She asked, holding on to me by my arms to keep herself on her feet.

     "Girls aren't allowed on the island. But this is my island, and I make the rules. You'll just be the first girl I've ever allowed to live here. As long as you stay in the camp, nothing will be able to harm you. Don't disobey my orders, or it will be back in the cage for you."

     "So I can't go anywhere?" She asked in disbelief.

     "If you're with me, then you can go to different parts of the island. Other than that, you will stay in the camp. And I must warn you, I know everything that happens on this island. If you move from a single spot, I will find you." I warned, mearly a couple inches from her cracked, pale lips.

     "Fine! I'll abide by your stupid rules, Pan," she spat out and I smiled at her spirit.

     I grabbed her by the waist and transported the two of us into my tent. She was clutching onto me for dear life. Her entire body was shaking before she let go of me and moved a couple of steps back.

     "Don't do that again!"

     "I'll give you the grand tour of the island tomorrow. You'll have fun. Promise." I turned around to leave before stopping and staring back at Ashlynn, "you can sleep on the bed. The boys won't come in here. You'll need all the sleep you can get. Night, Ashlynn." I smiled at her before walking out of my tent and leaving her by herself.

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