Chapter 5: Tour of the Island

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(Ashlynn's P.O.V.)

     Waking up, I sat up and found Pan sleeping in a chair across from his bed. He looked so peaceful, like a child that you didn't want to wake. His head was turned slightly to the side as he slept. His arms were crossed across his chest and a small, genuine looking smile was placed against his face.

     I silently pulled off the cozy warm blankets, hoping not to disturb Pan as I got up from his bed. I closed my eyes as it silently squeaked before looking over at Peter. Luckily, he only stirred slightly and didn't wake up.

      I stood up and pulled off one of his blankets before placing it on top of him. Walking over to the opening of his tent, I pushed through and walked outside. I knew I was disobeying Pan's orders as I walked out of the camp, but I didn't care. 

      "You must be really excited to start our tour, princess."

      I cursed as I turned around to stare at Pan standing behind me.

      "Nothing gets past you, does it Pan?"

      "I did tell you that I would find you no matter where you go on this island," he said, stepping closer to me, lifting my face up to meet his. "You will never escape me. No mater where you go, I will find you. I can promise you that, Ashlynn."

      "You're the one who wanted to show me the island. So, show me!" I spat out, slapping his hand away from me.

     He chuckled, taking my hand and leading me farther into the forest. "You've already been to the beach, so you know where that is at. Don't go to Dark Hollow unless you want your shadow ripped from you.  Don't go to Mermaid Lagoon unless you want to be drowned by one of the mermaids and killed. Actually, don't go anywhere without me if you don't want to get killed. Don't touch any plant on this island either, especially if it's dreamshade. Get cut with that, and you'll die if you don't drink from the springs, and if you do then you'll have to stay on Neverland forever."

      "Anything else I need to know about?" I asked as I sped up to walk beside him.

     "Yeah, there is," he smirked at me before pulling me closer to him, "Hold on!" he laughed while I screamed as he lifted the both of us up in the air. He flew us up so far up that I could see all of Neverland. I wrapped my arms around him and looked up at him to see him smiling at me.

     "Don't let me fall," I whimpered.

     "Never," he whispered in my ear before taking off towards a huge rock carved into a skull.

(Peter Pan's P.O.V.)

     "Don't let me fall," she whimpered as I stared into her eyes.

      "Never," I whispered in her ear before taking off towards Skull Rock.

     Once we reached the opening where the hourlgass was, I set her down on her feet.  I walked towards the hourlgass and looked at how much magic was left.  The plan would have to start sooner or later.

     "What is this place?"

     "Skull Rock.  It's a very special place that I wanted to show you."


     "I've never shown anyone this place before," I said, turning to face her. "You're the first. I created this place without even thinking about it when I came to Neverland and decided to live here.  It's glorious, isn't it?"

     "What's the hourglass for?" I chuckled at her curiousity and wonder.

     "It's nothing you need to concern yourself with, love. Come on, look out there and enjoy the view." I pulled her over to stand next to me.

     "It is beautiful, your island," she paused.

     I turned to look at her and smiled before turning to look at the sky. "Time to go back, the tour is over."

     "You only showed me this place!" She exclaimed as I turned to look back at her.

     "True, but the way I see it. If you don't know the island that well, and only know of a couple of places where to go. It'll be easier to narrow it down if I leave you alone. Especially with your little escape trick this morning," I growled.

      "Take me home! I'm nothing! I don't belong here. I already told you I won't tell anyone what happened here. Just let me go home." I shook my head and pressed her against the rocks. 

      "No," I said before backing away. "There's a boat waiting for you at the bottom with some of the Lost Boys ready to take you back to the camp.

      "You're a monster," she shouted.

      I looked into the darkness of the cave to see my shadow patiently waiting for Ashlynn to leave.  Spinning around, I gave her a wicked smile.

      "You, are mine! You are on my island. Anything on my island belongs to me.  Get that in your head," I snapped and saw her flinch, "go back to camp. I'll expect you to be waiting there when I return."

       She shook her head before storming down the stairs to reach the boat. I watched her run down the stairs and her departure with some of my boys before turning around to see my shadow coming out from the darkness.

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