Chapter 32: Queen Clarion

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A/N: Hey guys, so sorry I haven't updated. I've been really busy with softball and school.

I hope that you guys like this chapter.  Let me know what you guys think in the comments. Like what do you guys think will happen between Ash and Peter if he finds out that what Clarion told him about Ash and Rufio was true?

Also,  above is a picture of both Peter and Rufio. I asked a couple of friends who they would choose, one is reading this story, and they both said Rufio. So think of this as a pole, who you guys like better whether it's based on what they look like, their personality, what's happened so far, or all of the above. So leave a comment letting me know what you think.

(Ash's P.O.V.)

     "Please, Peter, stop!" I shouted, picking up a sword from one of the fairies lying on the ground, surrounded in a pool of his own blood. I didn't even bother trying to figure out what he would have looked like before hand considering how awful everything looked.

     There were multiple bodies, mainly the fairies, lying in positions that didn't seem humanly possible. The ground was soaked in their blood. You could barely recognize several of them. Their faces were completely mutilated while others weren't and had arrows and spears lodged inside of them.

     The worse thing though was the humongous tree in front of me that was burning, and the screams coming from inside were deafening. You could hear their cries for help over the crackling of the flames.

     I finally tore my gaze away from the tree and onto a beautiful girl with beautiful golden blond hair pulled up into a ponytail. Her back facing me with her head hanging down as she wept on her knees. Her gold wings hung limply at her sides.

     Finally, I looked at Peter and took in his appearance as I stopped right in front of him. His stylishly messy brown hair, his lips that made me melt every time he kissed me, those eyebrows that went up just about all the time, his usual green patterned shirt, dark green pants, and black boots didn't have a single speck of dirt or blood on them. But what killed me were his glowing green eyes that seemed to stare right into my very being.

     "I'm safe. Nothing happened to me," I lied, praying he wouldn't be able to tell I was lying straight to his face. How could I tell him that I cheated on him? He would never forgive me. I didn't deserve his forgiveness if did find out eventually, but I didn't want to lose him because of what happened. Because of Rufio and that stupid love potion.

     It was a relief when he nodded and stopped the flames. Although, I didn't think it really mattered anymore. Any fairies that had been trapped inside from the fire were probably dead. They most likely suffocated from the smoke or burnt to death or both.

     "You idiot! You have no idea what you've done!"

     I turned around to see the girl with blond hair glaring at Pan with blazing gold eyes. Eyes that seemed very familiar to me, but I couldn't quite place them. I held my breath as her gaze turned to mine. She looked shocked, furious, and disgusted just by looking at me.

     "I see the slut came out of hiding. Did you like screwing the wolf? Did you have fun doing it? I bet you did. I could hear you screaming out his name as he claimed you as his. I'm surprised you don't have any bruising on you. He must have taken it easy on you, being your first time. I think that you would even like it if he was rougher with you, made you scream his name even louder, hell, you'd probably sleep with him all over again," she snapped, standing up with a sword in hand.

     "Shut up Clarion, you're wrong," Peter said coldly, almost as if he expected her to flinch but she never did.

     "Oh come on Ashlynn, can't you speak for yourself? Or are you too afraid that you'll slip up that you slept with another man. And don't say that you didn't do exactly what I said because we both know it'll be a lie because we both know you wanted it. That potion was only partly made up of a love potion, but it was really small. The main goal of that potion placed in the dust was only to push you towards what you really wanted. It could have very well been Peter, but it wasn't, was it? No. It was with wolf boy. All that potion did was push you in the direction that you wanted, and it let straight into the wolf's arms. The only person you have to blame is yourself."

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