Chapter 38: Goodbye

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A/N: Hey guys, here is the chapter for today. I hope you like it. And... I just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading. I really appreciate it.
And I thought I should let you all know that there is only 7 more chapters before this book is over.
There will be a sequel, but I'm not sure what the title should be. One option I have so far is "The Queen & Her King". If you guys have any other ideas, comment below , or if you guys like that title for the sequel. I'll credit anyone in the next book if I see a name I really like.
Thirdly, I suck at making videos cause of my software , and if you guys want, you don't have to, could someone make a trailer for this book and possibly the next. If not, I'll try and bribe my dad to let me steal his computer after recording tons of footage.
Lastly, and this is kind of a spoiler alert I think. Next chapter is pretty huge. It's like  monumental! So, once you've finished reading this chapter, comment what you guys think will happen and of you think Rufio got what he deserved or not or if Peter Pan should have done something far worse to him than that.
I will now so boring you with my rambling . comment below what you think and I hope you enjoy

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