Chapter 42: Coronation (3 years later)

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(Peter's P.O.V.)

"Get up!"

I jumped up as freezing cold water was poured on me. Growling, I looked up to see Felix holding a bucket with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" I screamed.

"You have been in that bed for the past few weeks. Not once have you come out of your bloody tent. I practically have to force you to eat. I've been trying to run this camp, but the lost boys aren't listening to me. They're doing whatever the hell they want. Even the new ones you brought a few years ago. And I'm sick of it," Felix shouted.

"I better see you out there taking charge of your camp. If you even try getting back in that bed, I don't care what punishment you put me through...I will drag you out and quite possibly kill you."

"Get out of my tent, Felix."

"No. I'm not going anywhere. You haven't acted like this for a few years, so tell me what the hell is up."

"I'm pretty sure you can guess without my needing to tell you."

"Is this about-" he cut off as I glared at him. "It is. Why?"

"She's becoming the Queen of Camelot today."

"Why do you care then?"

"Because I could never forgot about her, no matter how much I tried," I muttered to myself.

I never forgot her. I couldn't. She stayed in my mind since I forced her to leave the island. For three years. Constantly in my thoughts. Her mid-back, brown hair, teal eyes, tan skin from being on Neverland in the sun, her smile, just everything about her.

I had almost considered using a forgetting potion on myself, but when push came to shove, I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to forget her. She had been a part of my life and always would be. I didn't want to lose any of my memories that she was in. She had become everything to me.

And you pushed her away. You're the one who got rid of her.


"Because I still love her and knowing that she's becoming Queen means that I might never be able to get her to come back. She probably hates me."

"And why is that?"

"She didn't leave willingly. I made her leave."

"Then go to her! Try and convince her to come back. She just might."

"No. It's better that she's gone."

"For who? The lost boys or you?"

I used my magic and got the bucket away from Felix before hitting him in the head with it. He yelped before grabbing it and tossing it outside.

"Just go to her! Apologize! I don't care! Just bring her back! Obviously everyone is better off with her here."

"And what if I can't?"

"Then...we'll figure something out."

I nodded. He is so lucky he's the only one I actually trust to take care of my camp otherwise he'd be dead for speaking to me like that. I probably should punish him, but he was right. I need to go to Camelot and try to make up for everything I did to Ash. That is if she chooses to come back which was highly doubtful.

(Ash's P.O.V.)

"Maybe I should have waited a few more years. Gained more knowledge-"

"Enough! You're ready, princess. Your father was a great king. I have no doubt that you will succeed him and be the greatest Queen ever to rule."

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