Chapter 34: Meeting my Captor

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in what feels like forever. I finished exams about a week ago and I got a new puppy who I've been trying to train (it seems impossible. Nothing I do drains him of energy).

I also have a schedule as of how I'm going to update this book. Yesterday I did my other fan fiction Peter Pan's Curse, today this one, and tomorrow is my actual book Angel of Life and Death which I will hopefully publish soon on Amazon, and the cycle will continue like that.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you guys think. Also I've actually deciding between an actress for Ashlynn. So far its been Odette Yustman, but now I'm not sure if I want it to be her or Ashley Greene. So let me know in the comments. Hope you guys enjoy!

(Ash's P.O.V.)

I groaned as I opened my eyes and letting my vision clear up. I took in the wood canopy bed with soft white silky covers. The entire room was made of a dark wood that covered the walls and the floors. The only thing in the room besides the bed were some lights. No dressers. No desk. Not even a window to look out of. If the lights hadn't been on, the entire room would have been consumed by darkness.

I pushed myself up into a sitting positing, swinging my legs from the top of the bed to the hardwood floors, my feet touching the cold floor. I looked down to see I was now dressed in clean clothes. A dark green flowy shirt paired with black sailor pants and black boots. There was vile in my throat and my stomach clenched together in a way I didn't think possible just picturing those men undressing me even though I had no idea what they even looked like.

Shaking my head clear of those vile thoughts, I stood up and moved to the door. Even if it was locked, I had to at least try escaping and getting back to the camp. By now Peter must have realized I was missing. He had to be looking for me along with the lost boys. How could they have gotten knocked out by these men? Peter always knew where everyone was at all times. He had to have known these men were on the island and how close they were to the camp. It didn't make any sense.

I pulled open the door which surprised me as I slowly walked out of the room to see there were no guards posted. It was almost like they didn't understand the concept of keeping an eye on your prisoner. Oh well, like I would even bother explaining that to them. Now I just had to figure out where I was and get out of here. The way that man-the one in charge of this whole operation-spoke, made it seem as if we wouldn't be leaving Neverland since I was apparently the bait to lead

"Good morning girlie."

I looked up to see a short man that went to maybe my waist with brown hair and a beard wearing a white and blue shirt and beige shorts with knee high white socks and black shoes that looked soaked. He also wore a red hat on his head and carried a rather sharp, jagged knife. He stood on the top of the stairs that led up to an upper deck. The smell of the ocean washed over me as I breathed in the salty air.

"Who are you?" I asked trying to figure out if there was a way I could get around the man without either getting stabbed or having to hurt him or him sounding out for help. He had to have a weakness. Everyone does. It was just the matter of how I went about finding it.

"Nothing you need to worry about girlie. The Captain will be glad to hear that you're awake."

"Captain?" I asked in shock. Were these men associates of Camelot? Were they sent here to find me and bring me back? And trap whoever held me on the island and do who knows what! Maybe they were Morgana's men. My aunt had to have known that my father, her brother had a daughter that was missing. I'm the only thing that stood in her way of taking Camelot. If she got me, I'd be dead and she'd get what she always wanted.

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