Chapter 16: Bloody Demon

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A/N: Hey guys, I just want to say thank you so much for reading.  I'm super psyched at how many views I've gotten so far.  Sadly, since school will be starting up sooner and I'm going to be really busy, I'm only going to be able to possibly update on Saturdays for this book :( . If I do have any more time, I'll try to update. Also, if you guys haven't already, check out my other Peter Pan fanfiction Peter Pan's Curse which will be updated on Sundays.

The picture on the side is of Ashlynn. Thank you guys so much for reading, and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

(Ashlynn's P.O.V.)

     I watched Pan leave as he stormed out of the tent.  He was furious at how I acted.  What did he expect when he tortured my only friend on Neverland. Not only did he do that, he put me through endless amounts of torture. He's put me through hell, and I haven't even been on Neverland for that long.  Sure he may have healed me, but he wouldn't have needed to if he and his Lost Boys hadn't caused the injuries in the first place.

     I was truly an idiot. I actually thought Pan might actually care for me.  That he could actually feel anything for anyone.  That he could feel something for me, but I was wrong.  He didn't care for anyone but himself.  Everything he does is all part of some game that he's playing.  A game that I don't want to be a part of.  A sick game that he uses to toy with me.

     Peter Pan is the very definition of a demon. A fallen angel who fell from grace and was consumed by darkness.  A demon that could make you stop in your tracks as he walks by you, staring at you with those mesmerizing, penetrating, hypnotic green eyes that could break you, piece by piece until there's nothing left. 

     The way he smiles could make a girl fall to their knees.  That bloody sexy smirk could make a girl succumb to anything he wanted.  He could unravel all the realms, all the kingdoms with that smirk and smile.  The exact same smile that I felt so attracted to. 

     I hated myself for what I felt for Pan.  He got under my skin in ways I never could have imagined before.  He brought something out of me.  Something that I didn't know or understand. It was strange.  Foreign.  A burning desire to want to be close to him.  To feel his lips on mine again.  To feel that raw passion, that spark of electricity that I felt when his lips touched mine.

     But it's only a dream, a dream that could never be real.  Even if I wished to and from the heavens, shouted to all the kingdoms, realms, and the seven seas.  It just wasn't meant to be a reality.  All I am is a love-sick teenager who fell in love with the demon who refused to let me leave even though I tried to fight it.  This attraction that was only one-sided.

     Peter Pan would be my downfall someday, that I was sure of.  He knew that I felt something for him.  That kiss was proof enough.  He would use that to try and break me.  I'm strong, but no one can forever keep up a facade.  I was already crumbling.  My walls were falling apart before my very eyes.

     Pan wanted to make my time on Neverland miserable, and he was succeeding in doing so.  I despised Neverland.  No, that's not right.  It wasn't Neverland I hated.  It was Pan.  I hated him so much that it hurt me because I had already fallen for him.  And yet, we could never be together.  Once I get off this island and return back to Camelot, I know that Pan won't come for me.  He wouldn't give up his youth for me.  He wouldn't give up Neverland when he was king of the island.  Pan only cares about things that can help him in whatever he has planned for his game.

     I shook my head and felt the wetness of tears on my cheeks.  I didn't realize I had been crying while thinking of Pan.  Why did it feel as if my heart was shattering into a million different pieces at the thought of Pan not being able to feel the same way I did for him?  How could I love a demon that wanted to cause me nothing but misery?

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