Chapter 17: "You're Mine"

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(Peter Pan's P.O.V.)

     "I-I-I can't. I'm sorry," Ashlynn stuttered before running out of my tent and probably away from the camp. Away from me. 

     I could still remember the look in her eyes.  That longing and terrified look shone as I had pulled away from her.  She wanted to go home, to rejoice with her father, to escape my island, to carry on with her life.  Yet, there was this pull that I felt between us, and I had a feeling that she did too.  I had two choices.  Let her go home or keep her away from Camelot forever.

     "Pan?" I looked up to see Felix enter my tent with his club at his side.

     "What?" I snapped.

     "The girl got out of the camp.  What do you want us to do?"

     "Find her, bring her back to camp.  Put her in one of the cages for all I care.  I have business to attend to," I lied, pushing past him and flying up into the trees.

     I did care what happened to her though.  She'd probably hate me if she ended up in a cage again, but I couldn't have her running off every time something happened between the both of us.  Especially since my shadow had gone off the radar for a while and now the fairies were acting up because of it.  Now, I had to deal with it!

     "Tinker Bell!" I shouted as I landed on the ground next to the main pixie dust tree where just about all the fairies lived, except for Tinker Bell.

     She lived in a tree house that I had whipped up for her since she lost her wings and could no longer work pixie dust.  I helped her learn her way on Neverland when she had first arrived.  Now she owed me for doing so.  She hated it though, knowing that she would have to do whatever I asked her to do when I asked her.

     "What do you want, Pan?" Tinker Bell asked as she descended down from a tree. 

     Her curly blonde hair was up in a pony tail, her emerald green eyes shone in the little light, her lips were pursed in disgust.  She wore a long sleeved green shirt that reached just above her knees, dark green leggings covered her legs as did the brown boots she had on.  Her arms were crossed as she glided over to me.

     "You want to explain to me why the other fairies are freaking out over the disappearance of my shadow? After all, you are close friends to Queen Clarion aren't you?"

     "It would be best if you asked them.  I know nothing of this matter. Good luck, Pan," she turned to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist.

     "I know you know something, Tinker Bell.  Just remember that I can make your time on this island hell," I warned, smirking when I saw her eyes narrow in anger.

     "Fine. You want to know why they're freaking out? It's because of that gril you seem to enjoy playing with. Ashlynn, right? That girl did something.  Everyone magical felt it. Me, the other fairies, even the mermaids.  Whatever she did, it messed with the magic here. None of the fairies can use their abilities. How you can, I don't think I'll ever understand.  A blast of energy knocked out everyone! We all blame it on that girl!"

     "Ashlynn didn't do anything.  It was probably my shadow and disappeared because he wanted you all to blame it on Ashlynn," I lied.

     "Tell that to Queen Clarion, maybe she'll believe you," Tinker Bell said, yanking her wrist out of my grip and running off into the trees, probably going back to her tree house.

     "Pan, you're late," a regal voice called out causing me to spin around to see Clarion.

     Her golden blonde hair framed her heart-shaped glowing face, high cheek bones, thin, light pink lips curved in a smile, and golden eyes gleaming in excitement.  Her long, flowing dress consisted of a white bodice with jewels, sheer, sparkly gold fabric covered her long neck, sheer golden sleeves covered her upper arms.  The bottom of her dress consisted of tulle, short in the front and long in the back, knee-high boots made her seem taller than she actually was.  Her golden lace wings hung by her sides, reaching her knees.

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