Chapter 25: Skull Rock

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(Ash's P.O.V.)

     “A boat? We’re taking a boat? Why?” I asked finding it ridiculous when it would be so much easier to just use magic to get to Skull Rock.

     “I figured it would be a great way to find out about what happened to you after you left Neverland. What you remember at least, and to find out how you found Rufio,” Peter said quietly.

     “Why does it matter?”

     “Because I care about you. More than I probably should right now. I’m sacrificing everything for you right now. So, do you want to find out or not? Because if so, we better go now.”

     “Let’s go then,” I said, walking over to him as he wrapped his arm around my waist and transported the both of us to the beach where a small boat was waiting.

     It was slightly smaller than the one the lost boys had taken me in the first time Peter brought me to Skull Rock. This one looked like it could only hold two people.

     “This will get us across wont it? It won’t sink or anything?” I joked.

     “Just get in will ya, laddie? If we’re going to make it there by nightfall, we need to start heading out now,” He said. His eyes darting around like he just wanted to get off the beach already and get somewhere else as if we were being watched. It kind of freaked me since I couldn’t remember a time when he acted like this.

     “And prolong what I want to know anymore than I already have by these few seconds. Never,” I said, smiling at him. His gaze meeting mine before smiling slightly back. He held out his hand before I took it as he helped me into the boat.

     I sat down as he pushed it into the water, having to stand in the water in the process before jumping in and making oars magically appear. I looked down at my lap as I felt us start moving. Glancing out onto the water, I smiled at the reflection of the shining stars gleaming in the rippling water as Peter probably changed it from day to night.

     This was actually happening. Peter was finally going to tell me what he was keeping from me. What he had told me several years ago when I was in Neverland. I just didn't completely understand why Clarion would have been supposedly jealous of me according to Felix. I had only been a kid back then. I wasn’t even remotely interested in Peter, well, okay, that was technically a lie now that I think about it. I could vaguely remember the small crush I had on him from my time here on this island, when I was becoming closer. But I never tried anything and neither did he. He was always around Clarion when he wasn’t with me, or he was with the both of us, or he was playing around with the lost boys. That I could remember. The fun we had back then. If only I could remember the day I was brought back to Camelot.

     It made no sense as to why my father would allow a sorcerer to use magic on me when he didn’t even allow magic in Camelot. Not after he kept up the tradition his father, my grandfather who I never met, Uther set. The law that magic was not banned from Camelot, and whoever uses it would be punished depending on their crime. Although, according to my father, Uther would have executer anyone accused of sorcery. That had been one of the reasons why my aunt hated my father and grandfather.

     That had been one of the thins I had wanted to change when I was to go back to Camelot. I had wanted to allow magic in Camelot, to become allies with the people of the Old Religion. The Druids were one of those people considering they were so peaceful. The people of Camelot, including those who practiced magic, would have been treated equally. Although my father was fair when making his judgments, he still did punish them if they were ever caught. I hated seeing those Innocent people executed because of the small crimes they did. Guess that wouldn’t happen now that I made my decision to stay in Neverland.

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