Chapter 8: Pan's game

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A/N: This is kind of a recap of the last chapter, excpet it's from Ashlynn's point and view and will continue after Pan abandons her. Hope you guys enjoy! :) Next chapter will be Pan's P.O.V.

(Ashlynn's P.O.V.)

      I looked at the direction Pan had gone before deciding to follow him, regardless of the fact that I knew he was pissed. I didn’t understand how he knew everything that happened on the island if Neverland had been created long before he came to live here.

I was right on the outskirts when I felt myself being yanked back. Turning around I went to punch the person, but my hand was caught by Felix’s. I stared into his eyes and realized that they weren’t blue like I previously thought, instead they were gray. A stone colored gray that bore right into my eyes.

“And where do you think you’re going little girl?”

“I have to talk to Pan about something important.”

“I’ll be sure to tell him whatever it is you need to speak with him about,” he said before dropping my hand which I had to move in order to get the blood pumping since it felt numb. 

“Whatever business I have with Pan has nothing to do with you. You may be Pan’s right-hand man, but you’re just a Lost Boy. I bet when it really comes to it if you’re in danger; Pan won’t care what happens to you. He’ll save himself,” I said before turning away from him and walking out of the camp. I shook my head at myself in horror at what I’ve done. It was harsh what I said to him. I had no right to say that to him, considering he was probably important to Pan.

I stopped a little ways away from the camp when I found footsteps. Bending down to expect them, I knew they were Pan’s tracks from the footprints, to the size, and it was fresh. Standing back up, I was so glad that my father had taught me how to track when I was younger.

As I followed the footsteps, I felt the familiar cold chill that I had felt when I said the words “I believe” the night of the attack. The night I met the shadow before he brought me to Neverland. I stayed a few feet back, waiting for the chill to leave before approaching Pan.

“As you wish Pan,” I heard the shadow say before it flew right over where I was located. I held my breath as I saw it freeze for a minute and look down where I was at. I looked down for a split second before looking up to see the shadow was gone.

I sighed with relief before following where the tracks led me. Every once in a while having to stop because of the darkness.

“Pan!” I shouted and heard my voice echo all around me. I stopped for a quick second, waiting for his response. He had to have heard me, and even if he didn’t he should have known where I was with his stupid knowing everything on this cursed island ability.

“Where the hell are you, Pan?” I said to no one in particular and glanced at the footprints again before seeing the back of Pan.

“Hey! Why didn’t you respond?” I asked, thinking he would stop to address me. But did he? Nope. He just ignored me as if I wasn’t even there. “Really? The silent treatment?” I shook my head in disbelief. If anything it should have been me doing the silent treatment considering the way he has treated me.

I jogged over to him and pulled at his arm to stop him. I wasn’t sure if that would catch his attention, but it did once he turned around and yanked his arm out of my grip.

“What?” He growled, making me take a couple steps back. I opened my mouth, going to speak before closing it. Staring into his hypnotizing green eyes made me forget until he turned back around, breaking the trance.

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